The Terrifying Trump

Donald Trump is refusing to pay his campaign pollster three-quarters of a million dollars
Donald Trump's hiring of pollster Tony Fabrizio in May was viewed as a sign that the real estate mogul was finally bringing seasoned operatives into his insurgent operation.

But the Republican presidential nominee appears to have taken issue with some of the services provided by the veteran GOP strategist, who has advised candidates from 1996 GOP nominee Bob Dole to Florida Gov. Rick Scott. The Trump campaign's latest Federal Election Commission report shows that it is disputing nearly $767,000 that Fabrizio's firm says it is still owed for polling.......There have also been multiple reports that Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, have rejected Fabrizio's advice.
Word I heard on the 538 election podcast was that Trump did not like what Fabrizio told him.

One can hope that he goes away after the election is over and he loses (though, it’s doubtful at this point that he will concede’s too much for his infant penis of an ego).
Unfortunately there is talk of “Trump TV”...which I can only imagine will be like Fox News only more biased, more fabricated, and more apt to incite violence, racism, mysogyny, anti-LGBQT rhetoric, anti-Muslim rhetoric...and become the voice of the poor angry disenfranchised working class white male.
People will eat it up and fact-checking will be replaced with statements like - “Your sources are mainstream media lies.”
Hopefully though, people will start to view his neurotic and manically outbursts of long streams of bullshit from between his smiling teeth in much the same way they now view Palin - as a fucking wack-job.

One of these days we will get a hold of Trump’s taxes...or lack thereof...because honestly, if he were paying or has paid what the average person would consider to be his/her “fair” share - then he would be making sure he brought that up every time his lips flapped together.
The fact that he doesn’t talk about them and hasn’t shown the taxes that are not being audited (first he tried to say that there was an IRS rule that stopped him from showing them, then when the media called BS, it’s now under advice from his lawyers), should show everyone how much he really cares about the common man or woman and the society we live in.
If it doesn’t directly benefit Trump, he avoids it like the plague...he has not gone out of his way to help lift our society up, or even sections of our society.
He wants to cut taxes even lower than Reagan...which is really just so far beyond stupid I am at a loss for words.
Trickle down economics never worked and it never will.
We have to have a certain percentage of taxes to run our country, and quite frankly I think people are getting sick of hearing about how this social program was cut, or education or healthcare are underfunded...that our Vets don’t have funding to help them with PTSD and the physical and psychological scars that come with war.
He’s gonna what? Cut off the funding for Obamacare and leave the 20 million who are covered under it high and dry? Let’s bring back preexisting conditions and lifetime policy limits too...fucking brilliant!
But we have plenty of money to give big subsides to oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, hedge-fund managers who then crash our economy.
Once again...great benefits for him...the rest of us, not so much....and to go back to the health insurance programs the way they were before the ACA is cruel, and inhumane.
Deporting 11 million people and breaking apart families is disgusting and inhumane.
Suggesting we ban certain religions is frightening.
He got his party’s nomination based on bullying, fear-mongering, and playing to the last dying gasps of the old dog conservative republican ideas...which he really doesn’t believe himself imho...he is the modern day equivalent to P.T. Barnum - There’s a sucker born every minute.
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Just as an example...Social Security is going up a whole whopping 1/3 of 1% as a cost of living increase next year...the year before Congress didn’t raise it.
1/3 of 1% is not going to do anything whatsoever to help anyone on SS.
Tie it to inflation and keep your government hands out of the cookie jar.
Raise the cut off limit even by $100,000 and you have just made SS solvent once’s not rocket science.
Privatizing it is insane...but year after year the Republicans vote to do just that.
SS would be gone now, had Bush Jr. succeeded in privatizing SS before the Wall St. collapse.
Dumb idea for 99% of Americans...but it will make a few people very rich...those that would benefit the most are also the ones who donate to campaigns fighting to privatize SS so you do the math.
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@Stu Holy cow, that is so funny but also tragically not funny.. 1.30 am he's tweeting .... to Jon Stewart ? I do that myself every night of course, but I am not a candidate for anything, anywhere.
Oh you're a candidate for the sweetest moderator ever!

ha ha, that is why it is my destiny to be banned for not changing my socks.

@Wyote has introduced a very strict, 'change em or else' policy. I feel torn, whilst I love this forum, and hope not be banned, I hope there is some room for compromise. Those socks are a part of me.. almost literally now. I think there should be a 'don't ask, don't smell' policy but I am in a minority. To quote Toy Story.. "I guess that's why they call me Stinky Feet".
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