The Unconscious mind

I am fascinated by the thought of it. To think that we could tap into each others experiences, thoughts and feelings is very interesting. I wish I was immortal so I'd be around to experience a time where this was possible. As time does go on and people evolve we may even be experiencing the beginning of this now.
A snippet cut'n'pasted from wikipedia:

Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, developed the concept further. He agreed with Freud on the fact that the unconscious is a determinant of personality, but he proposed that the unconscious be divided into two layers: the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. The personal unconscious is a reservoir of material that was once conscious but has been forgotten or suppressed, much like the typical notion of the unconscious to Freud. The collective unconscious, however, is the deepest level of the psyche, containing the accumulation of inherited psychic structures and archetypal experiences. Archetypes are not memories but images with universal meanings that are apparent in the culture's use of symbols. The collective unconscious is therefore said to be inherited and contain material of an entire species rather than of an individual.[SUP][23][/SUP] Every person shares the collective unconscious with the entire human race, as Jung puts it: [the] "whole spiritual heritage of mankind's evolution, born anew in the brain structure of every individual".[SUP][24][/SUP]

In addition to the structure of the unconscious, Jung differed from Freud in that he did not believe that sexuality was at the base of all unconscious thoughts
I do not have the studies on hand, but modern cognitive psychology and neuroscience have affirmed the existence and influence of an unconscious mind on our conscious experiences and behaviors. There is not, however, any evidence at all for Jung's collective unconscious, if he indeed meant it to be taken literally/concretely.
I do not have the studies on hand, but modern cognitive psychology and neuroscience have affirmed the existence and influence of an unconscious mind on our conscious experiences and behaviors. There is not, however, any evidence at all for Jung's collective unconscious, if he indeed meant it to be taken literally/concretely.

What about the possiblitiy of genetic memory?

Not all animals learn from their parents yet they seem to know what to do
I think it's interesting to consider the unconscious mind along with ideas of time and existence.

Is time cyclical? Have we experienced all this before, and will we experience it all again? What would this mean for the idea of an unconscious mind?

How about the idea that we exists in multiple periods of time? Or multiple versions of the same time?