The US Economy Will Be Slag Within One Year

Well what do think will happen with hyper-capitalism? Rich people fucking over the thing (the poor) that keeps them rich till it breaks. Only problem I have is the state of the banks if this happens, although from a human view point I'm sure people won't take that shit lying down if it does crash, which I seriously doubt at this point, maybe a few more years of downturn but there has been much worse, no people starving on mass (who aren't usually homeless anyway) in the streets.
Chessie is a smart cookie. Listen to what she says.

There is no denying that we are living in a quickly transforming world.

I think it's best to be prepared and ready for anything.

Trying times are here and they will undoubtedly intensify.

Turn off the tv and get your news from independent sources. (

Also, it is essential to let go of the negative energies of fear and anger.

Love yourself, love your neighbor. Live in Joy and Happiness, no matter the circumstances.

This is what makes sense. This is what we can do to make it through these times.

Give up the grudges and revenge seeking.

Once we do this, we will be able to live richly, even if we find ourselves in poverty.

Keep yourselves informed, but don't let the news get you down.

: )
A world in debt. How silly.
A world in debt. How silly.

I agree. I have no clue how we're letting this happen lol. If we're all in debt... why don't we just call it off and say "okay, I'll free you of your debt if you do the same to me"? It sounds like a ludicrous economic move, but it's quite simple and one of if not the only solution. It's not like a world in debt cures itself in a few years.
Infinite growth on a finite planet = I don't think so


[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Debt Contagion and the Global Economic Collapse‬‏[/ame]
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Infinite growth on a finite planet = I don't think so

No kidding... if we continue to measure 'progress' as 'growth' we will die. Even cancer cannot survive it's perpetual growth since it eventually kills its host.
A nation divided against itself will never survive. The economies of the world are falling apart. The spoils of war taken away leaves an empty void. Taking away tax breaks from the rich will slow their spending. Allowing oil from our reserves to be released when oil is not at a peak is stupidity. Maybe we cannot wage war without our oil reserves.....meaning we might not be able to protect ourselves. Sooner or later a world leader is going to start taking from other countries to protect their own. The weak and the broke will fall prey.

Increasing a budget that already is not working is ludicrous. Changing social security benefits and eligible ages is cheating the people. Taking away medicare benefits is cheating people. Paying everything for the poor is cheating the taxpayer that cannot afford what the poor are getting. Provocations by our President challenging Republicans is mere politics. Bringing military personnel home does not stop military spending, as the paychecks and benefits go on. Elections are coming again, but what are we actually voting for? Do we really know? I do not think so.

Watching a lying country testing nuclear-capable ICBMs against international laws, and spinning more rods than any energy sources for an entire country could possibly use, is the beginning of a new age coming if it is not stopped. Some world leaders are doing everything they can to help them while subverting their own governments and peoples in the process. They have people in the world looking the other way. I am not. I will not. I refuse to be blindsided by all the trash. Buying time to build a new power with ill intent is trouble on the horizon for us all.

The world is going to have to learn to live without the amount of oil they have, because it will soon be disrupted. I'd like to edit that away.

edit: It has been revealed on Debkafile that William Hague broke the silence from his outrage. Putin, Obama, and Netanyahu knew about these tests as early as October last year.
Another test went silently the 28th. We are obviously on a need-to-know basis.....we don't need to know.
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Its funny how every time Obama talks about fixing the economy the following day the stock market comes crashing down... we need to keep this guy on Vacation!
What's worse - Obama speaking and the stock market crashing, or Bush speaking and lots of "brown people" dying?