lol, that is the great question...
are we, as humanity, ever see this Utopia? or is War the only answer?
There are entire theories presenting Utopian systems. Anarchism being probably the most controversial. Marxism too. Problem is, in order to create a utopia according to these theories, you first must annihilate the opposing forces.
So, I guess until one force destroys every opponent and creates its own world, there can be no peace. But what it could later establish could easily be a dystopia, rather than a Utopia. Pretty much reminds me of Huntington and the Clash of civilizations.
I don't think so. Just because that is the way people have always revolted doesn't mean that is the way it always will be. Might it be possible that a new consciousness through social evolution will arise in which people will see no need to kill one another but will be able to come to a consensus as to how they want to live together? Seems unlikely, certainly, but I wouldn't say impossible.
This is kinda/kinda not off topic.. but..
Do you think the Indusrial era will ever end? And what could be the era after that? Just being imaginative here.. but if in the distant future the Industrial era does end, how do you think people will be living? I imagine they'd be much more cooperative with one another..
Or maybe we will nearly wipe ourselves out, somehow survive.. and figure none of that was worth it.. and decide to live in harmony. But I am an optimist.
I'm pretty much a pessimist. I think the majority of people want peace and harmony, but the majority of world leaders and warlords don't. Hurt feelings/old conflicts prevail and everyone's point of view becomes a selfish, childish one. Those old feelings never really go away, even when people shout "PEACE"
If the heart issues aren't dealt with - if people aren't transformed into accepting their fellow man as a fellow man - then you will always have war and conflict.