I value Elves in all forms. Dwarves, not so much. Gnomes are fun in small doses, but I despise Orcs.
I see your eldar and raise you one Iron Ork
I see your titan and raise you a WAAAGH!!! as any good ork would
I Eldar them in the head.
We don't want your kind around here! Besides making the universe an ecological disaster for everyone, we can't even make manure from crystals. :mmph:
My Farseers saw your WAAAGH coming lightyears before it struck. We waited, then nuked the site from orbit, because we're Eldar, and therefore we cheat.
just remember for ever ork you kill multiply by ten consecutively to understand how many more you have to kill to win.
that's 1 ork = 1x10, 2 orks = 2x10x10 and so on and so forth.
The story of the bear in the other thread made me ponder of the value of humans versus other beings that are not human such as animals, plants or other sentient beings.
Why are we so self-important that whenever an insect or animal is a perceived threat we demand for their annihilation, but if we kill other animals or insects for sport or food we don't think the same way?
Why are we so more important than them? It has been us who have been the solely responsible for so many catastrophes in the world, for so much destruction on our ecosystem, making this place uninhabitable for us and other species. How can we call ourselves more important? What attributes of our kind divides the threshold of being deserved of so much importance in contrast to other species, if any?
I'm not angry, disappointed or being judgmental because I'm a part of this specie as everyone else. I'm just curious as to the psychology behind our actions and thoughts in regards to this. We are animals after all, we make illogical assumptions, but apparently we have been granted the gift of introspection and analysis (something that other beings can't do...yet), as so, I think we have the responsibility to determine the casual relationships of our actions, and provide a more peaceful and intelligent approach as to how we treat everything on this planet.
1. Humans cause much less damage to the ecosystem then natural disasters do, a meteor wiped out most life before, not to mention environments change, Africa for example has gone from desert to swamp to grassland a few dozen times in the last 4 billion years.
2.I dont think I should have to explain why we should value children's lives over a wild animals.
As for what attributes divides us, that would be our well developed brains in comparison to the rest of the animal kingdom. We ARE the most important living beings on the planet in comparison to the rest, we arent simply a part of nature, we are from nature but we also have a more cosmic destiny in that we have the ability to learn and understand. Thats been the goal for our lineage up to now, so now there is finally a being capable of beginning to understand the nature of existence, which is what the cosmos seems to want to know. Beyond just sensing itself as animals do, it wants to KNOW about itself.