The vibes in the room


So, how do you respond to the vibes in the room?

I'm always kinda curious as to why i'm so psychologically (or some would say psychically, opposite to physically) sensitive to the energy of people in a room. I start to psychologically see and shape myself to their perceptions and expectations, but it's not intentional. It just happens, and it's only when i'm away or left that situation, that there's the sense that i've walking in a psychic fog or haze. Psychic in this sense meaning of the mind, not psychic phenomena.

I read about emotional empathy and thought this must be what it is, but then i realized this experience doesn't really fit EE. So, i'm curious about others who've had similar experiences. How would you describe your experience with this in everyday terms?

Just a note: I'm not speaking of psychic phenomena but i just couldn't find the right term to explain :D
I definitely know about adjusting to vibes in situations, but I'm not totally sure I know what you mean. Can you give an example?
I definitely know about adjusting to vibes in situations, but I'm not totally sure I know what you mean. Can you give an example?

[MENTION=3900]Chamomile[/MENTION] - I think it's more about being affected by these vibes and not adjusting to them more as an involuntary process.
How do I respond? It depends on what mood I'm in...and who it is. Also if I have the energy to "be nice"....and I usually do.

I try not to get too sucked into anothers "place" though. I've learned not to care.
How do I respond? It depends on what mood I'm in...and who it is. Also if I have the energy to "be nice"....and I usually do.

I try not to get too sucked into anothers "place" though. I've learned not to care.

This is not so much about caring about what people think or feel. It's being affected by energies in an indirect way. You still maintain your sense of separate self from the people around you, it's just that the self you are becomes more fluid around them.

Maybe you have a keen sense of smell and pick up on pheremones.
I change the vibes in the room.

I always add more calm, lighten the mood a bit...Transform a cut-throat debate into more civil intellectual discussion. I'm aware that I do it, but am still trying to figure out how i do it.
This is not so much about caring about what people think or feel. It's being affected by energies in an indirect way. You still maintain your sense of separate self from the people around you, it's just that the self you are becomes more fluid around them.


Yeah, I guess I wasn't explaining right. Not getting sucked in = not becoming "more fluid". I still make eye contact...but I try not to allow myself to "read" them or allow their energies to persuade me in any way. kwim?
I'm looking at this more as a phenomena, than a problem which needs to be solved. I just find it interesting when i'm aware of it. For example, when i'm driving home, it's like suddenly the lights are turned on in my mind, and i feel as if i'm a completely different sense (in terms of how i feel) once i'm away from the social setting i just left.

I'm just interested in it as an experience.
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Yeah, I guess I wasn't explaining right. Not getting sucked in = not becoming "more fluid". I still make eye contact...but I try not to allow myself to "read" them or allow their energies to persuade me in any way. kwim?

[MENTION=3902]sweetea[/MENTION], yeah, kwym :)
I'm not mocking you. Thats a little insulting btw.

[MENTION=731]corndogman[/MENTION] - no offense intended :)

But could you explain what you meant about picking up pheromones?
@corndogman - no offense intended :)

But could you explain what you meant about picking up pheromones?

IDK Everyone gives them off, you smell them and your brain interprets them. I have no science to quote on this.
I feel as though I absorb the vibrations in any given situation.

I know I can do this intentionally,
but it's easier when I don't have to force it.
Or rather, when I don't feel like I have to.

Emotionally, it's like I am a chameleon.
But after I change color to blend with the energy in the situation,
I can change my color again, if I choose to,
and the room starts to match with me.
Or at least I perceive it that way.
Perhaps I just allow myself to become blind to the other vibes
and focus on the ones I wish to be prevalent,
and by altering perspective, alter impressions and responses?
I'm not entirely certain.

Intriguing question, though.
I found this on and its the best description of what i think is happening:

How can an empath deal with living with another person/a spouse?

I have always been very empathetic towards people and I don't believe in spiritual/supernatural empathy ... I believe I pick up on pheromones and body language ... I am living with my significant other and trying to listen to him and become emotionally deciplined ... I am to the point I think this is a man's BS b/c he doesn't want to deal with women's emotions ... I realize when i pretty much lived here but spent 1 night each week at my place I was emotionally more stable ... but now ... I feel like I am running on overload, I am emotionally exhausted all of the time and and am always on edge and never feel rested ... can someone sensitive to pheromones and basically an "empath" live with another person all of the time? If so, how?
I really think there's something to your last post, [MENTION=1669]Res[/MENTION].

I'm not sure what it is that a person picks up on... pheromones, vibes...Idk.

But I know that when you are around someone else whose energy (or vibe or aura or pheromones or personality or whatever) are different from yours, this is experienced as a drain and an altering of self.
I really think there's something to your last post, @Res.

I'm not sure what it is that a person picks up on... pheromones, vibes...Idk.

But I know that when you are around someone else whose energy (or vibe or aura or pheromones or personality or whatever) are different from yours, this is experienced as a drain and an altering of self.

Yeah, i'm not sure either what i'm picking up on or whether i'm picking up anything at all :D. I could just be imaging things . . . me and my weirdness. :m131: But yeah, if i find anything concrete which sheds more light on this, i'll post it.
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This also seems to touch on this subject.

High Sensitivity

Elaine Aron, a clinical psychologist, has written extensively about Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), a term she coined based on interviews or consultations with thousands of individuals. Aron describes HSPs as: “born with a tendency to notice more in their environment and deeply reflect on everything before acting…They are also more easily overwhelmed by ‘high volume’ or large quantities of input arriving at once.”

While some HSPs report having at least one sense that is very keen, their entire bodies process information more thoroughly than other people. HSPs are thus more affected by pain and various medications, and have more reactive immune systems and more allergies.

HSPs are also highly empathetic, feeling their own emotions and paying heed to others’ most intensively. They tend to have rich inner lives, with complex, vivid dreams. They can come across as highly perceptive, creative and intuitive when able to surmount what often is a natural inclination toward shyness, fearfulness, stress, and withdrawal.

Thick boundary people “strike us as very solid and well organized; they keep everything in its place. They are well defended. They seem rigid, even armored; we sometimes speak of them as thick-skinned.” At the other end of the spectrum, thin boundary individuals are “especially sensitive, open, or vulnerable. In their minds, things are relatively fluid.”

Other characteristics of the thin boundary personality type are:

  • A less solid or definite sense of one’s own skin as a body boundary
  • An enlarged sense of merging with another person when kissing or making love
  • A penchant for immersing oneself in something – whether a personal relationship, a memory or a daydream
  • Sensitivity to physical and emotional pain, in oneself as well as in others
  • An enhanced ability to recall dreams but also a tendency to experience nightmares
Thin boundary individuals, Hartmann proposes, are unusually sensitive from an early age, so they react more intensively to the usual traumas and difficulties of childhood. They are easily hurt, with intensely emotional memories carried into adulthood.


Kazimierz Dabrowski (1902-1980), a Polish physician interested in personality development, studied 'gifted' individuals and noted five recurring traits. These he termed ‘over-excitabilities’:

  • Psychomotor – a surplus of energy, restlessness, curiosity
  • Sensual – a strong reaction to sensory stimuli; pronounced aesthetic awareness
  • Imaginational – strong visual thinking, vivid fantasy life, remembers dreams, enjoys poetry or metaphorical speech
  • Intellectual – intense focus on particular topics, enjoys questioning and complex reasoning, problem solving
  • Emotional – heightened emotional reactions, need for strong attachments, empathetic, difficulty adjusting to change
'Over-excitability,' the translation of Drabowski's concept into English, is meant to convey the sheer abundance of energy possessed by gifted individuals and manifested in these areas. He believed that, by virtue of such energy, they not only think differently from their peers, they also register perceptions more intensively and feel things more deeply.

Elaine Aron, a clinical psychologist, has written extensively about Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs), a term she coined based on interviews or consultations with thousands of individuals. Aron describes HSPs as: “born with a tendency to notice more in their environment and deeply reflect on everything before acting…They are also more easily overwhelmed by ‘high volume’ or large quantities of input arriving at once.”

While some HSPs report having at least one sense that is very keen, their entire bodies process information more thoroughly than other people. HSPs are thus more affected by pain and various medications, and have more reactive immune systems and more allergies.

HSPs are also highly empathetic, feeling their own emotions and paying heed to others’ most intensively. They tend to have rich inner lives, with complex, vivid dreams. They can come across as highly perceptive, creative and intuitive when able to surmount what often is a natural inclination toward shyness, fearfulness, stress, and withdrawal.

Thick boundary people “strike us as very solid and well organized; they keep everything in its place. They are well defended. They seem rigid, even armored; we sometimes speak of them as thick-skinned.” At the other end of the spectrum, thin boundary individuals are “especially sensitive, open, or vulnerable. In their minds, things are relatively fluid.”

Other characteristics of the thin boundary personality type are:

A less solid or definite sense of one’s own skin as a body boundary
  • An enlarged sense of merging with another person when kissing or making love
  • A penchant for immersing oneself in something – whether a personal relationship, a memory or a daydream
  • Sensitivity to physical and emotional pain, in oneself as well as in others
  • An enhanced ability to recall dreams but also a tendency to experience nightmares
Thin boundary individuals, Hartmann proposes, are unusually sensitive from an early age, so they react more intensively to the usual traumas and difficulties of childhood. They are easily hurt, with intensely emotional memories carried into adulthood.


Kazimierz Dabrowski (1902-1980), a Polish physician interested in personality development, studied 'gifted' individuals and noted five recurring traits. These he termed ‘over-excitabilities’:

Psychomotor – a surplus of energy, restlessness, curiosity
  • Sensual – a strong reaction to sensory stimuli; pronounced aesthetic awareness
  • Imaginational – strong visual thinking, vivid fantasy life, remembers dreams, enjoys poetry or metaphorical speech
  • Intellectual – intense focus on particular topics, enjoys questioning and complex reasoning, problem solving
  • Emotional – heightened emotional reactions, need for strong attachments, empathetic, difficulty adjusting to change
'Over-excitability,' the translation of Drabowski's concept into English, is meant to convey the sheer abundance of energy possessed by gifted individuals and manifested in these areas. He believed that, by virtue of such energy, they not only think differently from their peers, they also register perceptions more intensively and feel things more deeply.