The weather influences me way too much


So, I was wondering how sensitive INFJ's are to weather.
I guess most people are at least a bit influenced by it, seeing as it is easy to talk about it.
But lately,...well this summer, it's really quite a temperature here, hot for a 'Dutch' summer.
I'm not used to it. But next to that, I can't really work well in a warm/hot environment, I can't concentrate and basically just don't feel so much 'me'.
I LOVE autumn because it's not too cold and not too warm and the best temperature for me to work with.
Winter is hard sometimes, but at least you can wear sweaters/jumpers. But in summer...when it's too hot, there's a limit to what to take off.

So, what is your ideal temperature?

(sorry, I didn't know in what forum-part to put this thread, hope this is the right one)
I'm pretty sensitive to weather as I am to anything that distracts me from my internal processing time! Personally I hate the cold. I hate cold air blowing on me and I hate shivering. I can't turn inward and do my Ni thing when that's happening.

I'm from Chicago but lived in Kenya for a year. Everyone said I would miss the seasons changing. Nope! I like change but having consistently warm weather was awesome. I felt like I could relax and just be. In Chicago it feels like you are constantly under assault.
I'm pretty sensitive to weather as I am to anything that distracts me from my internal processing time! Personally I hate the cold. I hate cold air blowing on me and I hate shivering. I can't turn inward and do my Ni thing when that's happening.

I'm from Chicago but lived in Kenya for a year. Everyone said I would miss the seasons changing. Nope! I like change but having consistently warm weather was awesome. I felt like I could relax and just be. In Chicago it feels like you are constantly under assault.

I know, me too! I loathe cold air blowing on me, under assault is exactly what it feels like, and I can only truly relax when it is very warm. Chicago's okay for about a month out of the year, imo, and that month is May. Late May. Also, people abuse air conditioning, you do not need to make a place feel like a meat locker in the middle of summer.
I cannot stand harsh winds(especially cold, biting, harsh winds) and I dislike the feel of rain(especially when its cold). I love the sound of both. I guess I feel as if I can be physically accosted by the weather, as if being violated. On the other hand, I've been known to dash out into harsh elements, just to feel them, only then do they feel good to me. Although I prefer nice cool to warm temperatures, I love the change in seasons, which I get in nice doses here in NY. I seem to have different activity levels for each season. Autumn is my most favorite and is probably my most reflective time of the year. I feel Autumn has come early this years as I've been a bit more reflective lately. I enjoy the stillness of Winter, but after a certain point it becomes a bit too much and I beg for Spring. I'm much more spontaneous in Spring and Summer and enjoy getting out in nature more.
Not likely INFJ but I'm very sensitive to it too, maybe in a different way. It has a huge influence on my mood. Blue sky has an instantaneous calming effect and anything gloomier will change my feelings to match. Ideal weather for me is sunny, anywhere from 18 celcius to 35 celcius. I am a fan of humidity as well. In winter, I have to take a vitamin D supplement, or I will without fail become depressed. Rain is okay; it can be beautiful, but not in long bouts. I need to leave Vancouver ASAP.
I know, me too! I loathe cold air blowing on me, under assault is exactly what it feels like, and I can only truly relax when it is very warm. Chicago's okay for about a month out of the year, imo, and that month is May. Late May. Also, people abuse air conditioning, you do not need to make a place feel like a meat locker in the middle of summer.

omg can i rewind ten years ago and you can be my roommate??
Find it a bit strange some people aren't effected by it. No longer do we orbit the weather or the seasons it seems.

Big storm fan. Oomph. Energy. A strong wind will keep me happy always. Unfortunately I live in a dull, grey cast place with barely any wind. It seems for half the year you barely see the blue of the sky. The washed out stillness brings a certain disconnection which only an autumn storm or spring snowfall can fix. Really miss the wind.
Find it a bit strange some people aren't effected by it. No longer do we orbit the weather or the seasons it seems.

Big storm fan. Oomph. Energy. A strong wind will keep me happy always. Unfortunately I live in a dull, grey cast place with barely any wind. It seems for half the year you barely see the blue of the sky. The washed out stillness brings a certain disconnection which only an autumn storm or spring snowfall can fix. Really miss the wind.

May I enquire about which part of the UK you are from.
Mostly temperature sensitivity, with summer being my worst season; far too hot and humid making me more easily exhausted, unable to concentrate, short tempered at times and struggling to sleep. Rain and snow I do not mind as long as shopping is not getting wet...chill does not affect me hardly at all unless tired .
Well, weather effects me too, but not in this way. It's not physiological, but psychological. When the weather is dark and rainy (my favourite), I'll be melancholic, wandering, listening to ambient music, staying away from people, watching art movies. When it's sunny, I'll feel social rules more, and my mood will be bad. When it's a warm night, I'll feel happy usually, being sociable, joking around more often.


I remember, when I was younger, I used to watch the sky when it was cold, and everything was grey. I felt love, peace, and that everything was eternal. Sometimes I can be still in love with the weather, dancing in the rain, and shouting how beautiful is everything.​
I'm extremely sensitive with hurricanes, it seems.

Love a still, clear afternoon when it's cool to cold. Wind slightly from the North, sitting in a tree.

Love a windy, cold morning overcast with light rain. Wind at my back, waiting to call and decoy ducks.

Overcast and cool for working outside.

Hard rain with a bit of wind when it's dry.

A still, cold evening around a nice outdoor fire.

Big drops of rain, while in the bed resting underneath my old cabin with a tin roof.

Hot sunshine after it has rained too much.
Overcast, humid, and grey makes me feel miserable. I love looking out to see the clear cerulean sky on crisp autumn afternoons.