The World Is Obsessed With Facebook.

Free Mind

I'm a Dragon! Rawr!
Wouldn't you agree?

[ame=""]YouTube - The World Is Obsessed With Facebook[/ame]
I do agree o.o People are really addicted to it...

I wonder if it will get shut down eventually....
Not really.

There's nothing wrong with going on facebook. Its even a good thing. This video makes it sounds like it's horrible.

There's no difference between communicating irl/on facebook/with letters/with fire signals/whatever else, it's still communicating. Same goes about finding news on the internet before, theres no difference between learning it on facebook or on TV. A lot of people are on facebook, and its great, without it it would be harder to find people you used to know.
My opinion on the issue of Facebook is that the people and the media aren't focusing on the real detrimental side of the social network. It's always about how the internet is making us addicted, taking the "humanity" out of the communication.

The fact Facebook is already a huge (and growing) stronghold that earns money on your personal infrmation you so recklessly submit and feed it daily is the problem. That's what Facebook thrives on, compromising your privacy. Yet you have people out there who have their entire lives posted on that site.
I have a friend who is giving up facebook for lent.

There is quite a bit that can be said about online interaction, and it can't be called either wholly bad or wholly good in my opinion. It has made the quality of my life significantly better, I think, and I enjoy it, but I definitely prefer real life interaction and only accept online interaction when real life is unsatisfactory. I hate it when I meet people who let online interaction replace real life, and I have shut people out of my life because they would talk to me online but not hang out in person before (people I knew in high school and who lived in my hometown).

I have also typed far more words than I have spoken, I am sure.
Society changes, people freak out.
Nothing new, nothing new.
My opinion on the issue of Facebook is that the people and the media aren't focusing on the real detrimental side of the social network. It's always about how the internet is making us addicted, taking the "humanity" out of the communication.

The fact Facebook is already a huge (and growing) stronghold that earns money on your personal infrmation you so recklessly submit and feed it daily is the problem. That's what Facebook thrives on, compromising your privacy. Yet you have people out there who have their entire lives posted on that site.

+1 I think the some of the best lamebook posts are just that because people have no limits when sharing their personal things online.

But I think it's wrong to see Facebook or any other media as a bad thing. It's the person who gets addicted and there lies a problem, not in the object of addiction.

You have the right to use or abuse something, the choice is on you.
I'm liking the responses so far. But personally, I disagree with a lot of things on facebook. Especially the addiction side of it. It should be a little less, if you understand.
But hey, I don't know an awful lot about facebook, I made an account, spent 1 month on it and hated it's guts, that was a while ago when it was less addicting. Now I don't dare go near the thing. I prefer to take away distractions from my life. This is just my opinion.
People are addicted to knowing what other people are doing, its called been human. Facebook encourages what most people would do if they had access to others private lives. I use it for work and pics to my friends but i know a lot of mothers my age who live on it because they have nothing to do.
Yep. People are addicted to facebook. The only thing that I can say I dislike about it is it's annoying as hell to be talking to someone while side tracked.
Yeah. :P Interesting stats though.

I began to think that maybe, MAYBE, Facebook (or Friendster, or Myspace, or whatevs) is just the catalyst that explodes human capacity and potential for being nosy / knowing other people's lives. Or narcissism.

Or just showing themselves. Because when you've got your entire social circle (and many more!) on one click....

We are, in one way or another, social creatures, after all. Even if the current social interaction is different from the previously made and nurtured.
Hmmm, I never really got into the whole facebook thing. I guess the talking more online might apply to me just because of this forum and being alone while talking to yourself gets you sent off to the loony bin.
What I really don't like about facebook is how it skews peoples self esteem. Facebook users (especially females) basically market themselves via pictures, comments, etc. In other words, they try to project themselves in a certain way (which is totally human). But when one individual sees all these people who are trying to look like they have awesome lives the individual might start to think they are living lower than their facebook friends. Its a total mind fuck if you're not aware of it and it can mess up someones self-esteem. Especially a younger person who is not wise enough to "see through the fog".

I don't post any academic accomplishments and stuff about my job on facebook. Because I don't like to make other people feel weak. For example; I don't want someone who hasn't been to college to look at my page and think "damn, i wish I went to college" or shit like that. If you want to make facebook a more humble place you should do the same.
I'm thinking about boycotting it. I'm disgusted with fb right right now, like seriously I can't get my own photos from my own albums that I put on there from my own camera? They have to own our photos if we choose to use them on their site?

I'm not sure I should be getting so upset about it, but really I'm thinking about never using it again. I just think that's completely unnecessary of them. I know people who put their photos on there and can't do anything with them now except look at them while logged into fb. Talk about control freaks, geez!

Sorry for the vent. I was thinking about that, and then I saw this thread.
Would you consider the forum a distraction??

Sometimes it is, and that's because of me. But the majority of the time when i'm surfing around on it, I look for useful things to read. You don't get that much on facebook do you?
What I really don't like about facebook is how it skews peoples self esteem. Facebook users (especially females) basically market themselves via pictures, comments, etc. In other words, they try to project themselves in a certain way (which is totally human). But when one individual sees all these people who are trying to look like they have awesome lives the individual might start to think they are living lower than their facebook friends. Its a total mind fuck if you're not aware of it and it can mess up someones self-esteem. Especially a younger person who is not wise enough to "see through the fog".

I don't post any academic accomplishments and stuff about my job on facebook. Because I don't like to make other people feel weak. For example; I don't want someone who hasn't been to college to look at my page and think "damn, i wish I went to college" or shit like that. If you want to make facebook a more humble place you should do the same.

I had that quite a bit when I left school for good and looked back at my friends account and pictures. Another reason why I stopped.
Meh, I don't think most people are like obsessed with it. It's just kind of like texting but for when you're near a computer.
a digital substitute for real life community

scary when considering how much of our lives are dominated by glowing screens

something like fb could be good and could be bad depending on how it is used

currently, i don't see people being very responsible

it's so widely accepted and people are hardly aware of the danger

how can we do anything about it?
I wonder

any ideas?
does boycotting work against us in this case?