What I really don't like about facebook is how it skews peoples self esteem. Facebook users (especially females) basically market themselves via pictures, comments, etc. In other words, they try to project themselves in a certain way (which is totally human). But when one individual sees all these people who are trying to look like they have awesome lives the individual might start to think they are living lower than their facebook friends. Its a total mind fuck if you're not aware of it and it can mess up someones self-esteem. Especially a younger person who is not wise enough to "see through the fog".
I don't post any academic accomplishments and stuff about my job on facebook. Because I don't like to make other people feel weak. For example; I don't want someone who hasn't been to college to look at my page and think "damn, i wish I went to college" or shit like that. If you want to make facebook a more humble place you should do the same.