Some very interesting points to consider.
I think intuitives, especially INXX are more mental in that they think about things more carefully before they express themselves. They are not comfortable blurting things out. They'd rather be right than verbal. They are less spontaneous when speaking. They may use more pauses or stops to consider what they're saying. While sensors are more likely to speak more fluidly. They are more likely to just speak. I think sensors have a quicker speech where they just go for it, rather than contemplate for a long period of time whether they should say something.
Sensors and Intuitives can't communicate. It doesn't work. Sensors don't make sense and it's a silly effort to try and work with them. They always looked confused and like they have no clue; I'm pretty sure because they don't. Death to sensors. Long live the venerable sensor.
Sensors and Intuitives can't communicate. It doesn't work. Sensors don't make sense and it's a silly effort to try and work with them. They always looked confused and like they have no clue; I'm pretty sure because they don't. Death to sensors. Long live the venerable sensor.
you are using your type as an excuse. "I'm an intuitive, they are sensors, therefore they are stupid and I am wise and we'll never be able to communicate. if you believe this is true it will become a self fullfilling profecy. If you believe that sensors don't make sense you will only see the facts that confirm your believe and will rule out the facts that contradict it. You will even act towards sensors in a way that will make your believe about them come true.
but if you are willing to learn how other types (like sensors) think and communicate, you'll get a far better knowledge of what sensors are, what their positive or negative trades are and how you can cooperate with them in a complementary way. Your own communication skills will improve and you'll become a much more balanced person.
I realised that I can recognize INFPs by communication.
Could you explain. What are typical INFP communication? thx
And they are usually people who make me feel more practical than the other. They have that "cloudish" aura Sometimes even childlike
In the other word - communication with my estj friend makes me feel so idealistic, while communication with my infps makes me feel so pragmatical
hey I have the same thing. I think it is a good method to find out who you are talking to. When I'm talking to an SJ for example I feel so clumsy and disorganized because they will always do a better job in following procedures than me. But I also feel much more flexible and eager to do new things. They make me hate schedules because they make me feel trapped. But when I'm working with an SP I'm the one making the schedules and pin things down otherwise nothing gets done . But they also make me much more rigid and not willing to change. When I'm talking to an NT I feel like I'm a total emotional mess who can not be objective while when I'm talking to an FP I seem down to earth and pragmatic because they are much more with their heads in the clouds than I am... lol