Permanent Fixture
- Enneagram
Advertising, propoganda and mind control is exactly what capitalism uses to convince people that they need things that they don't....it confuses wants with needs (see 'Affluenza' -Oliver for more on this perspective
And what convinces you to believe what you believe, to buy what you buy, etc?
I'm not willing to buy from them and don't. I buy from local growers but due to the monopoly of the corporations this is not economically viable for a lot of people
Capitalism isn't the same thing as monopoly.
A lot of peoples behaviour stems from their level of awareness and this can be suppressed by a missleading educational system and media which denies people healthy perceptions on things.
What is a 'healthy perception'?
Well lets talk about 'blame'......the corporate press will tell yuo that the people to blame are benfit cheats and immigrants.....but who are the biggest recipiants if taxpayer money? The bankers of course! They have received vast 'bank bailouts' which have driven the real economy into a depression
The cost of benefit cheats are a drop in the ocean and they are simply following the example set by the elites. Even the British politicians have been shown to be exploiting the expenses system and everyone knows that US politicians are bought and sold by lobbyists and special interest groups
So if you want to talk blame then get lets get things into perspective
This doesn't have anything to do with what I said.
I think a lot of the problem comes from the idea that we need constant 'growth'. Even if we all turn into obsessive recyclers and we make systems more efficient all that will happen is that we will consume ata greater rate. We really need to change the culture and what we prioritse.
Priorities are largely determined by corporations which despite large protests by the public (whether anti-war, anti-cuts or anti-corruption etc) basiclaly dictate policy and the direction of our economy
What is a 'large' protest? 10,000 people out of 300,000,000? This constitutes a majority?
There is still alot of ignorance about the impact of various things but as awareness has grown we have seen chnages in behaviour. For example boycotts of nestle, or dolphin unfriendly tuna or increases in recycling or people moving their money out of banks and putting them in credit unions but the agenda is largely dictated by the elites who create the consumer culture through the media
....so yes awareness needs to increase so that people can see the value of alternatives, trust that they will work and embrace them with a view to changing patterns
What if people actually ARE aware but you're just not aware of them being aware?
I haven't claimed these are 'undeniable truths'....once again you are trying to put words into my mouth instead of listening to what i am saying. These things aren't exact sciences and i am aware of the dangers of sweeping changes for example sweeping agricultural shifts by Stalin or Mao
What i am saying is that there are alternatives to the current systema nd that these can be phased in if people adopt them but in order to adopt them people must look outside the perception bubble created by a pervasive corporate media and that perhaps they must lose faith in that perception bubble by acknowledging how it is failing
Please read history to see how countless examples of popular dissent are violently suppressed by elites. I haven't used the word 'evil' that was you using that and trying to put it into my mouth
Of course there are alternatives, but unless they're better, then there's not much point in discussing them as if they're actually viable. Your whole schtick seems to be that capitalism produces mindless slaves being trampled by the domineering elites, which is about as black/white good/evil as it gets. But fair enough, you didn't actually use the word 'evil', you just created a portrait of it and called it capitalism.
Bare in mind that these people are the product of a cynical capitalist culture....there is a better world and a better life out there for people
How do you know?
I'm not talking about brainwashing, i'm talking about considering alternatives in the same way that you might pick up a different tool when doing a job because you know that the tool you have just picked up will be more effective than the last one
The grass is always greener.
Delegates can be voted in by consensus democracy who are instantly revocable if they do not carry out the mandate given to them by their group/community
These delegates in turn can vote regional delegates from their number to represent them at a higher level. Disputes are less likely to occur in a non profit orientated system.
I can't impose my view of exactly how disputes would be resolved as these matters would need to be decided by the community when the system arises
Delegates who obviously would never even dream of abusing their power, and are completely immune to corruption, and would never ever tell a lie.
And it doesn't have to be about 'profit'-- we're talking about the basics like building materials, repairs, food, etc. If you're talking about going back to some primitive form of trade, it just might be the case that someone won't have anything that anybody else wants. So what do you do then? Force other people to take it? Sounds wonderful. How are you going to make sure that whatever one of these pockets of civilization produces is going to be of value to the other pockets?
It sounds like you're arguing in favor of a system that will replace an overall decent standard of living with some sort of primitive third world one. If that's your ultimate goal, you might want to think about detonating a series of nuclear weapons across the United States… you'll definitely be able to achieve your goal.
The unanimty created by neoliberalism is created at the point of a gun.....its like in the godfather films: ''i made them an offer they couldn't refuse''
See 'confessions of an economic hitman' to see how the US coerces political opponents into doing what the US wants them to do
How is your system going to be any different from this?
No these are not 'communist' countries they are state capitalist, centrally controlled systems where the means of production are not controlled by the workers but rather by elites
Whats the rush? See the 'degrowth' movement for arguments against the obsession for 'growth'
Technology such as the internet allows us the perfect means to coordinate things
You can't physically move things over the Internet, and you also can't create demand that isn't there without resorting to the whole 'manufacturing consent' thing that you're so upset about.
I think its important that you recognise that all these ills are the product of capitalism....they're what we need to move away from
Yes, that great capitalist empire the USSR.