TinyBubbles anarchist MBTI ^.^ Enneagram . Mar 17, 2015 #24 Unexpected laughter (love) particularly when it comes from someone who normally has a poker face Rain (love)
Unexpected laughter (love) particularly when it comes from someone who normally has a poker face Rain (love)
bionic sexy coconut Infraction Bin MBTI ENTJ Enneagram 8w9 sp/sx Mar 17, 2015 #25 Singing (love) Ice-Skating (HATE)
jyrffw54 שכינה עוֹלֶה MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9w1 Mar 17, 2015 #26 Ice Skating (Indifferent) Bubbles (Love)
FiftySeven Community Member MBTI infj Enneagram ? Mar 18, 2015 #28 Supermarkets (love) Gridlock (hate)
rawr ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ MBTI IxTP Enneagram human Mar 18, 2015 #31 INFJ16 said: kitties (love) sunshine (love) Click to expand... sunshine (love) eclairs (dislike)
Tin Man "a respectable amount of screaming" MBTI INTJ Enneagram N Mar 18, 2015 #32 eclairs: like sake: like
Eventhorizon Permanently relocated Banned MBTI INTJ Mar 20, 2015 #36 Yogurt (like) Terrorists (dislike, hate is a byproduct of fear so there is little in this life I hate)
Yogurt (like) Terrorists (dislike, hate is a byproduct of fear so there is little in this life I hate)
Eventhorizon Permanently relocated Banned MBTI INTJ Mar 20, 2015 #38 Stationary (......I dont hate or like it, it just is....? ) Yamazaki (LOVE)
TinyBubbles anarchist MBTI ^.^ Enneagram . Mar 24, 2015 #39 Yamazaki (potentially like, I have never tried it) Individuality (love)