Things you notice which others don't

I don't think so. I think N types kind of have that insight into people. I think it's a well trained Ni with an accumulated experience of observing patterns and connections.

Or maybe just sure of yourself. :D It's okay to be confident. If it's true, go ahead, own it. :D

yeah, thx. I was just making fun of my post. :D
I think it's not so much what I notice, but rather how it relates to things in context, or out of context. I often may draw connections that others never see.
I tend to notice changes in mood rather quickly, I notice when a person's smile doesn't reach their eyes. I usually notice when a close friend of mine gets a hair cut, and I also take note of what isn't being said by a person.

+ I remember names very well, even if I forget a face. Funny thing is, I may not remember the face... I also remember where people live easily... Like if I've been to your house once, and you live in a town I've not been to, I could get there again.
Depends. I do notice details others wouldn't notice when I focus. When I went out I noticed the ceiling, I mean peoples shoes. Then their earrings, body art if any and energy. I notice I tend to look at peoples expressions a lot, none do this. Like I try to remember a persons facial feature and their energy in a crowd of many I'd observe each and every person I could. A bit overwhelmed with the energy as I was looking everywhere wide eyed with this amused smile.
What's bad though is when you think you know things but then realize later you were wrong. Or even worse, when you act on the idea that you know something, only to embarrass yourself in front of someone because you assumed something about them. :D
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strangely enough, I'm actually better than most of my friends when it comes to picking up when people are lying.

My sighted friends would all like to think they can tell because they can see and so on, but it's much harder to control the tone of voice, whitch i pick up on much better than most, because I've learnt to use it as a replacement for body language that I can't see.