Thinking vs Feeling


A Permanent Fixture
Neeeeeeed youuuuuuur help. :D Can't figure out if I'm a thinker or a feeler. How can you tell? Idk. Help meeeeeeee. Please. :thumb:
when you see a nice pair of boobs, do you THINK about feeling them? or do you FEEL them?

this will answer your dilemma.
Well at first if I like them I start asking the question real or fake question. Then I proceed to lean in to get a closer look. Then I ask her how big they are. The response is her slapping me in the face. Or her slapping me with her boob. I should really stop doing this. :P
sorry [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION], lol. i'm the king of making threads come to a screeching awkward halt. wh ( o Y o ) ps!!
From your posts on here, I would say you are a feeler.

I think this because you take great efforts to make sure conversations, arguments, and debates you have on here do not end in bruised feelings. You do your best to ensure that, regardless of the disagreement, nothing is taken personally and that you and the person you are engaged in can still remain on good terms despite a difference in opinion.

Of course, much of what is said on here is filtered through is how we choose, consciously and unconsciously, to present ourselves, so it's possible that there is a disparity between how you truly are and how I and others may perceive you with limited information to go off of in this medium.
Of course, much of what is said on here is filtered through is how we choose, consciously and unconsciously, to present ourselves, so it's possible that there is a disparity between how you truly are and how I and others may perceive you with limited information to go off of in this medium.

i think you nailed it with this last paragraph.

because think about it. ok, this forum has all different types, BUT the majority are INFJ. however, look around. even though we are the same types, we are all SO, SO different. and its ESPECIALLY hard to tell thru a computer screen, because peoples online personas CAN be totally different than their "real life" ones.

i was expecting to find so many likeminded INFJs on this site. instead, i am shocked at how truly different we all are.
[MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION] first off, what do you know about thinking/feeling? Let's start from there.
sorry [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION], lol. i'm the king of making threads come to a screeching awkward halt. wh ( o Y o ) ps!!
Lol, o y o u made it more interesting. :P

Hang on, let me read the other comments. I just wanted to make a comment about boobs for a second. Back to topic. Wait one more time, boobs ftw, ftw. lol Now that I got that out of my system, I'll read the comments not about boobs now. :( :D
A lot of these "INFJs" are actually IxFPs or ISxJs

i understand that. but they have "INFJ" listed as their type, lol. so it makes it even more complicated comparing types when there are certain people mis-typed.

so do you think if you gather 100 DEFINITE INFJs in a room together that they are all going to be similar?? i think alot of other outside influences play a role. including experiences, location, gender, etc etc etc.
Well, here's the thing. As far as thinking, I'd consider myself more of thinker. My brain works as a thinker I think, but the thing I think is, I use emotion while I talk sometimes. And omg [MENTION=3388]Griffin[/MENTION] I can't believe somebody has been reading my posts. :D

Here, I've been getting my thoughts on this from articles like this one:

For example, I think the truth is more important than tactfulness and I don't frequently make decisions with my heart. They are always logic oriented. You might not think so since frequently I use emotion, but logic is behind my decisions. Or isn't it? That's the thing, I use tact along with thinking. What would that be? I try to express my thinking with tact, does that make sense. Or no? Some times my logic can also be dry. If you've read any of my posts on the intj board you might know this. :D I get bored with emotion sometimes and refrain from using it. Also, I get bored of dry logic and like incorporating emotion. Erm.
I see you as a feeler, [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION], & I always remember the 3 things you listed in [MENTION=3710]kiu[/MENTION]'s "ugly" thread were EXACTLY what I would list, and you said you had to stop looking at images because they were just pissing you off. I would have said that exactly. Sorry if this is not helpful. Just my opinion. Whatever you are, you're lovable, but I understand your frustration. :hug:
As far as thinking, I'd consider myself more of thinker. My brain works as a thinker I think

How exactly does this thinker brain of yours work, exactly? Can you expand on that?

For example, I think the truth is more important than tactfulness and I don't frequently make decisions with my heart. They are always logic oriented.

Can you give examples of instances you do this? What situations can you say that you have preferred being logical (in this case, following a consistent and operative system of thought) to a more value-oriented approach?

You might not think so since frequently I use emotion, but logic is behind my decisions. Or isn't it? That's the thing, I use tact along with thinking. What would that be? I try to express my thinking with tact, does that make sense. Or no? Some times my logic can also be dry. If you've read any of my posts on the intj board you might know this. :D I get bored with emotion sometimes and refrain from using it. Also, I get bored of dry logic and like incorporating emotion. Erm.

Be honest, do you think being a thinker is better than being a feeler? Would you say that maybe your mindset is trying to pull you towards thinking that one dichotomy may be better than the other?

Don't necessarily answer this on the thread, but reflect.
I think it could be. I don't know though, I like strategy stuff, etc. It's fun for me. I always kind of have. I just took a cognitive test. Maybe this helps.

extraverted Sensing (Se) ******************** (20.5)
limited use
introverted Sensing (Si) **************** (16.9)
limited use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) **************************************** (40.5)
excellent use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ********************************* (33.7)
good use
extraverted Thinking (Te) *************************** (27.4)
average use
introverted Thinking (Ti) ******************************* (31.4)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) *************************** (27.2)
average use
introverted Feeling (Fi) ****************************************** (42.6)
excellent use

Note the fi. Highest.

I really don't have the cognitive functions quite down. So I'd have to think on the analysis etc.

Also it says that thinkers are knowledge seeking. I definitely do this when I don't understand something.

As far as the truth being more important than tactfulness, if someone is acting inappropriately like being cruel I think the truth should be said. Etc. I also do my best to stay unbias towards things. As feelers I would suspect would lean towards the way they feel about them. Or no? Erm. Not an expert at this. :/

As far as my brain works I don't know how it works. Stupid brain. Tell me how you work. Argh. It's not talking at the moment. JK :D

Also, [MENTION=4015]purplecrayons[/MENTION], I knew everyone would think I'm a feeler. I knew it knew it knew it. I knew it. :D

Does the cognition list work at all for the assement. I'm going to try to figurez it out. :thumb:
INFJs seek knowledge like nobody's business, MISTER!!

Man your Fe & Te are nearly identical... What ARE you!?

you're a [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION]!!! :D xoxo
Yeah I know, I was considering earlier I could be an infj. Idk. I was trying to find a type that was consistent with my cognitive functions results. I'm scratching my head (and my donkeybals) on this one. Ermmm.
I really hope you are an INFJ. You're so fuckin' goofy & yet, I have read posts where you are intent & highly intellectual. You are multifaceted, [MENTION=3589]donkeybals[/MENTION], i LOVE it!!! ;D
based on your posts, i'd say feeler
I think that distinction between Fi and fe is also highly important. For example, I have my own colony:) of INFPs around me. I like them all, I can be very worried about them (from my experience they are sensitive and fragile), our conversations are intersting, but I noticed one thing. INFPs are much more firm with their attitudes than me. I get angry if someone attacks me (or if I get that feeling:), but they can get angry because of different attitudes. I think that life for them is much more black and white than for me...I see grey everywhere and I kind of like it...
So, my point is. Probably Fi users can appear as some kind of T user. Fe user can also appear that (see academic subtype of INFJ), but in other way...