Thinking vs Feeling

Well, here's the thing. As far as thinking, I'd consider myself more of thinker.

Infjs are thinkers, we lead with Ni which is a function very deep in though that can be very logical, especially with the Ni-Ti loop that we can get into.
I'd say you're a feeler, my lovely D-bals :) But that's just from your posts.
when you see a nice pair of boobs, do you THINK about feeling them? or do you FEEL them?

this will answer your dilemma.
There are regular boobs, and there are epic boobs.
With regular boobs I go "Meh, I see these everywhere,"
but epic boobs, particularly if they get up close, results in BSOD.
If you're introverted, chances are you describe yourself as a "thinker"...

Thinking and Feeling come as a pair. Ti/Fe creates value judgments as they are needed externally, and stores logical relations internally - there is little sense of a consistent set of personal values; were you to ask them how they felt about a particular thing, without providing a context, they'll likely not know, perhaps deciding on how they feel based on what would make logical sense to feel, or based on value they attach to the situation at hand. Fi/Te develops as they are needed for the environment, whilst value judgments are stored internally - there is a sense of personal values, of principles that the user does not want broken regardless of what is happening externally. Each person (according to the discrete model at least) will have one of the pairs. Whether they are classed as T or F depends on whether they tend towards the side of judgment which the T or F happen to be located at.

So, are you typically more concerned with whether something makes logical sense, or whether you think it is important? (if you have a tendency to get into long-winded debates about shit that doesn't matter in the slightest, you must be a Thinker =P) Note that, if T and F are your aux/ter function it would probably be hard to tell. Actually, I would say that trying to determine if you are a "thinker" or a "feeler", a "sensor" or an "intuitive" is a very bad way to go about trying to determine your type. Get the first and last letters down before you attempt the middle letters, and try to determine the pair of judgment you have, since quantifying is not quite so easy.