Director of Space Exploration
- Enneagram
- 4w5 or 5w4, so/sp/sx
I'm always curious if my experiences are more similar or different from those in my age group, so just a general question to all the 30 somethings, how do you find being in the 30s, particular those in their early to mid thirties (although everyone's opinion is welcome).
What expectations or non-expectations do you have for yourself at this age?
Do you find any minor or major changes in how you're seen, treated, or perceived by others now that you're in your 30s vs. 20s.?
Have your interests, values, goals, or perspective changed?
Do you see yourself different now that you're in a different decade?
Do you feel you look younger or older than your age? How does this affect how others respond to you?
Any particular myths or stereotypes which don't fit you compared to what's expected of the typical 30-something?
My experience as a 33 year old is... 20-somethings know about a tenth of what they think they do, people aren't even designed to take you seriously until you are over 30, and 'so far so good.' I still get comments from people who think I'm in my mid 20s, so I dunno if I just took particularly good care of myself or not.