This is why you're fat.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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See, that's too much
I know people who would eat it all and go for seconds.

Do you smack them on daily basis?

Do you smack them on daily basis?

I sometimes have to restrain myself when they are having donuts for breakfast, eating spoonfuls of frosting with cookies or ice cream, having funnel cake or french fries for dinner (or the quintessential lucky charms and cookies for dinner). Then there are the girls who eat dozens of cadbury eggs each. I can barely stand one of those.

They'd probably be crushed if they knew I was this judgmental. Okay, I'm only talking about a few people, especially one special individual, and I don't really care that much, but there are times when I really do want to smack half the people at the dinner table. The other half eat really well usually.
This is why you're fat

No, it's not! I was always a skinny person until I started taking Depakote for mania and I ballooned up to 181 lbs. After a year of dieting to get my weight back to some semblance of normal (the extra pounds made my balance worse and I fell a lot), a lot of that stuff looks damn good. Damn!!! Don't do that!
Hee. Most of that stuff just looks gross (part of the meal is the presentation after all) but others? They look like staple food in the South.

One thing I've actually had on that list is waffles infused with bacon; my mother used to cook them. It's actually fun: You put your bacon on the waffle iron and then pour batter on the top. Voila! Saves you the extra step of cooking the bacon on a griddle. It's really good.

But salt and sweet were special treats at my house (not the norm). Fried potatoes with onions and syrup (or honey) was delish, too.
This is why you're fat

Hee. Most of that stuff just looks gross (part of the meal is the presentation after all) but others? They look like staple food in the South.

One thing I've actually had on that list is waffles infused with bacon; my mother used to cook them. It's actually fun: You put your bacon on the waffle iron and then pour batter on the top. Voila! Saves you the extra step of cooking the bacon on a griddle. It's really good.

But salt and sweet were special treats at my house (not the norm). Fried potatoes with onions and syrup (or honey) was delish, too.

Yeah, now you're talkin' my comfort foods!!
Yeah, now you're talkin' my comfort foods!!

:D Hee! The sorry bit is I grew up in Ohio...but my grandmother was a Texan. So I think she infused her Texas Spirit into my Mom's cooking a time or two. Loved it when she fixed that stuff!
I grew up in Colorado, but everyone else in my family hailed from Tennessee, so...when I'd com straggling home from college after a spring mania at 110 lbs, my mother would get up and fix eggs and sausage or bacon, or even steak, with beaten biscuits and blackstrap molasses every morning before I went to work. And there was always fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy along with more biscuits--and maybe red velvet cake for dessert if we were lucky--every Sunday after church. I don't know how I stayed so skinny all those years.
What some people will eat *sigh*
Do they even know what "real food" tastes like???
Lets have pizza. Actually make it 2 pizzas. Heck we're hungry, lets make a bacon and cheeseburger. Lets make a bacon and cheese pizza burger.

Am I the only one who thinks that thing looks like the contents of one's stomach?

Now *that's* nasty...

It looks gross. I'm sure it probably tastes...almost good, but I'd rather have a hamburger pizza than a pizza hamburger.
The top one made me want to throw up. the bottom one, I might treat like a normal person (non-american) would treat a cake.

ETA: just noticed this thread is a lot longer than I thought, that was in reference to the OP
ROFL! That's just silly looking. I'd end up peeling the burger and fries off that...bread plate...thing...and eating my sandwich normally.

Lol. It really looks like something a kindergartner would put together.
It's art on a plate. McDonalds and Pizza Hut can't be used together in one sentence, let alone in one stomach..
I wouldn't mind a pizza cheeseburger if it was reeeeally small, and there was lots of lettuce and mushrooms.
"A peanut butter, banana, honey and bacon sandwich on potato bread, dipped in egg batter then fried in bacon fat, topped with butter and blueberry syrup."

"Layers from bottom to top: pancake; cookie dough; pancake; peanut butter and jelly; pancake; chocolate and bananas; pancake; caramel, oreo, marshmallow, sprinkles, M&M