This Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Flaw

Quite right. I know what I have but not where. I need some chaos in order to be creative and flourish.


"You got: Disorganization

You might not know where your keys are, but at least you don’t waste all your time cleaning your room. Organization is for SQUARES. Stay messy and proud."

You got: Perfectionist

You know for a fact that everything has its place, and your life is easier and less stressful because of it. If only everyone else were as orderly as you. Oh well, their loss.

Meh. *shrugs*
You got: Fear of commitment
Committing to something just demands so much time and energy, why would you want to deal with that? Think of it less as a fear of a commitment, and more as a willingness to keep your options open. You never know what other opportunities might come along.

This describes me perfectly!
Fear of commitment



You got: Too blunt
You’re definitely someone who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. You might be a little too blunt, but you give the best advice. Who wants to waste time sugarcoating everything?

I'll think about whether or not this is accurate later.
Fear of commitment
Committing to something just demands so much time and energy, why would you want to deal with that? Think of it less as a fear of a commitment, and more as a willingness to keep your options open. You never know what other opportunities might come along.
You got: Too blunt

You’re definitely someone who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.
You might be a little too blunt, but you give the best advice.
Who wants to waste time sugarcoating everything?
Bs quiz. Based completely off what Disney character you dont want as a side kick.
You got: Fear of commitment

Committing to something just demands so much time and energy, why would you want to deal with that? Think of it less as a fear of a commitment, and more as a willingness to keep your options open. You never know what other opportunities might come along.