Thought I'd share something with you to make you smile


Regular Poster
I was looking through members photos and came to a post from free2b, she posted a video of Ricky Martin La Vida Loca and it took me back to when I was at school. It reminded me of a Portuguese girl I was friends with. I went onto Youtube to relive a good memory and the next video was Backstreet Boys called Everybody. I weren't really the one who was into them but I noticed something. In our group at school there was every variety of person and none of us were aware of how the world would see it. There was a boy who got picked on in a small way for being gay (the guy who noticed this wouldn't go too far, we had a few popular girls in our group), a fundamentalist muslim with full hijab, my dad was transgender, a Jamaican girl, the prettiest girl in school, the unprettiest girl in school and it goes on.
Watching the Backstreet Boys vid Everybody (....) which was the boyband that was enjoyed I was struck. One of my favourite movies now is the Addams family...I hadn't made the connection before.
The next video that was on was I want it that way which I haven't seen in a long time. There is a hotel down the road that the Backstreet Boys came to stay in. Of all the hotels they could have stayed in. My friends went to go see them and had their dreams of the time come true. Watching the video is eerie.
There seems to be ways we all had our miracles.
Looking at it again I've just noticed my Jamaican friends older brother hehe.
*edit* Way, our group is unravelling, Ricky Martin looks like the boy! No wonder I always loved that song.
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About the posts etc..I forget Americans have different experiences of things than a lot of the world. I'll try to be more sensitive of your cultural sensitivities in future. For example to be a popular girl in America might be like the movie Mean girls even though I've never seen it. In the culture I experienced it's very different, not what you'd be used to. How would an INTJ enjoy this kind of environment? It was unique and this group of harmless extroverts and introverts made me happy. Sorry, I shouldn't have shared it.
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