Thoughts on Easter, 2011

Just like the relationship between a raven and a writing desk.

Yeah, I figured. Still, I wanted to see if there was some kind of mysterious relationship. Maybe, bunnies visited the tomb of JC when he resurrected or something.

Wishful thinking, eh?
Most of the major feasts feature a combination of both pagan and religious elements, some even in compliment each other (on some level). I think the Spring festival (and images that relate to this) speaks to the emergence of new life, which the Resurrection also does in a whole other way.
I've never really understood the relationship between the easter rabbit, the eggs and the death of Jesus Christ.

Judging from your favorite quotes, I would guess you may have to make something up. No foul intended; I just couldn't help myself.
Judging from your favorite quotes, I would guess you may have to make something up. No foul intended; I just couldn't help myself.

Did a particular quote offend you, [MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]? I have nothing against Christians if that was what you were referring to. Yes, some of them do disappoint me for their hypocrisy, that's all.
Did a particular quote offend you, @just me? I have nothing against Christians if that was what you were referring to. Yes, some of them do disappoint me for their hypocrisy, that's all.

Just having a little fun. I know people are not accustomed to it from me. I said no foul intended. I was not offended by your quotes. I hope the fun was realized and not at your expense.
Just having a little fun. I know people are not accustomed to it from me. I said no foul intended. I was not offended by your quotes. I hope the fun was realized and not at your expense.

Don't worry, it's all good brother. :)
I think the bunny rabbit has to do with it going around to spread the good news or something. I'm not really sure why we have an easter bunny, though I learned why a long time ago.
i want a red rider bb gun with a compass in the stock and i want my two front teeth and i want greenpeace to stand down and i want those little overprice baskets of insipidness they sell at walmart but most important i want my values to be valued :(
Working on a jingle for my new mass market Easter confection:

Your own edible Jesus
Someone to fill your tum
With chocolatey Fun!

I mean it's not too different to the Eucharist anyway...
one time when i was really little my aunt dressed up as an easter chicken and brought me chocolate eggs. it was a complete outfit with yellow feathers and orange stockinged legs. it was excellent.

another easter my boyfriend gave me this awesome chocolate basket full of chocolate eggs and i ate it all.
....anticipating how to do the 7 days of Holy Week in the 8 RUSSIAN Tones (instead of the Greek ones, this year) and how I might happily spend the "after-time" of all the Paschal preparations with my " brand-new Orthodox neighbors" at my new Parish...which are very sweet, knowledgeable people

Time to tune up, shape up.....stretch those brain the mouth....and prepare to go, go, go....!!!