Thoughts on Lebanon

just me

Well-known member
Was thinking about Hariri today. The time was 2005.

Hezbollah articulated its ideology in a 1985 manifesto published during the Lebanese Civil War, which outlined the group's key goals: the expulsion of Western influences, the destruction of Israel, allegiance to Iran's supreme leader, and the establishment of an Iran-influenced Islamist government, while emphasizing Lebanese self-determination. wiki
What a path of destruction Lebanon has experienced. After Saturday and many events leading up to Saturday, Lebanon just might see a light through the darkness.
You can't control who becomes your neighbour. But you can try to get along.

I don't get the long-standing refusal to get along in the middle east.

I can't have sympathy for people who, after looking for trouble, find trouble.
I don't get the long-standing refusal to get along in the middle east.
Colonialism, theft, delusion, and God, mainly. And the persistent dehumanization from all “sides.”

It is not so simple. When countries and organizations place "the destruction of Israel" as one of their reasons for existence, it goes downhill from there when they become armed radicals and try to take over governments.

Plus, there has always been division between Muslims: Shia and Sunni for an example. In Iraq, Saddam paid Palestinians to strap bomb belts on their own children to try and kill Israelis.

Would anyone else like to add proper links?
It really is that simple. Yes, more words can be used to resolve to finer detail, but what are the essential narrative elements?

Colonialism, theft, delusion, and God, mainly. And the persistent dehumanization from all “sides.”

I’ll add for clarity. Belief in a god. Some version of Yahweh.

So issues of control, autonomy, land, and faith over reason.

Honestly, I say strip nuke from Istanbul to Lahore and turn the entirety into a solid sheet of fused glass. Peace at last. No more fighting. Silence.

I've been watching things change since 1979 over there. Revolution. Shia trying to take control of the entire area. Iran.

Israel stands with God, and wants peace. Peace cannot exist because of Muslim beliefs. Belief in a God is fine until the radicals come. Khomeini was a radical. His '79 Revolution was more about power and control that their belief in God. Nasrallah wanted to kill all the Jews, but he wanted their land.

I believe in God. I believe in Israel's rights. I believe Iran is trying to keep the entire area destabilized, and wants to kill the Jews.

The way you believe, do you think I am delusional. No stones thrown.
The way you believe, do you think I am delusional. No stones thrown.
Not at all. What do I know?

I call delusion when those who believe profess to know the mind and judgment of God, and use this as the basis and justification for violence against other human beings.

Science says getting a bit delulu is healthy for you 💊
Engaging in this conversation, it is pretty much a prerequisite
Maybe others have not watched this since the seventies and eighties.
Maybe others have not watched this since the seventies and eighties.
Yep, and I’m tired of it, but it sure beats actually living it since the 1940s!

I don’t know about you, but getting white phosphorus dropped on my head is certainly going to spoil my day! 😥

And I do acknowledge all the men, women, and children that have died so as to preserve the petrodollar, so I can drive my car, fueled by relatively inexpensive gas. Doubly so, inasmuch as I’m living in it, and winter is coming!

War Über Alles (oh, the irony!),
People should stop blowing each other up. It is not a very healthy( or kind) thing to do.
Of course that's true, but a lot of people bear grudges and foster resentment, almost as a central part of their personality/character. It's almost ubiquitous across cultures.

In the middle east it's grudges characterised by religion and history. In the United States, it's characterised by race and history. In Australia, it's characterised by employer/employee politics tinged by early governor/convict/indigenous relations. Etc.

Forgiveness and reconciliation are actively rejected when people are laser focused on justice, rights, vindication, etc. The pursuit of justice fosters "sides", while the pursuit of reconciliation fosters unity.
Amicable truths are viewed differently around the globe. A rather extreme focus, in many areas, begets thoughts of weakness. The long-lasting peace turns into what we often see in our rear-view mirrors as dust in the wind with tumbleweed rolling across the scenery. Too many want peace as a luxury to make situations better "for now" until they can regroup.

Removal of some people causing chaos is going to happen. I see people with third eyes, and I see people wearing blinders being guided in wrong directions.