to save the world...


Regular Poster
there is an asteroid heading towards earth that will destroy the whole planet instantaneously...
satan approaches you and says that you can save the world if you sell your soul along with all your loved ones to be doomed to eternal torture in hell.
would you do it?

PS. idgaf what you believe in or what you dont believe in you get the gist of where im going with this...

fyi i would say fuck it and let earth be doomed
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I'd tell him to go speak to Shai Gar.
i'd delay a decision and query him about EVERYTHING :P damn, you just discovered satan and by association god exists, surely the fate of the world can wait!
We're all going to die. At least an asteroid would be an interesting way to do it.
there is an asteroid heading towards earth that will destroy the whole planet instantaneously...
satan approaches you and says that you can save the world if you sell your soul along with all your loved ones to be doomed to eternal torture in hell.
would you do it?

PS. idgaf what you believe in or what you dont believe in you get the gist of where im going with this...

fyi i would say fuck it and let earth be doomed

Nope. If satan exists then there is the possibility of a heaven existing. I'd be fine with burning in hell, I think, but I don't think I could sacrifice my loved ones. That's not my decision. Now if everyone burned in hell if I didn't sacrifice myself and my loved ones...well..I just quite don't know.
No number of standard length lives are worth a single person suffering eternity in torture.

I say let em burn.

BTW I would also be willing to die to prevent someone else suffering eternity of pain so I don't see this as the evil option
i like PJ's answer. my answer is basically the same as reon's - i wouldn't feel it was up to me to choose for my loved ones.
I'd tell him to go speak to Shai Gar.

I would ask:
What constitutes a "Loved One"?
Which religions version of Satan/Lucifer/Iblis is he representitive of?
What other alternatives are there to "Heaven" and "Hell"?
What are the benefits of Hell compared to the alternatives?
Where would my soul be going in the event of saying no?
Where would my soul have been going anyway?
What are the chances of humanity, specifically me, surviving the asteroid?

Supposing a Christian Devil:
- What is satans stance on being gods servant (supposing that hells purpose is to punish those who break gods law) even though hell is his punishment for breaking gods law?
- Were I to defect and say "Yes", what are the chances of becoming a demon; what rank and powers would I gain upon defection?

I would also tell him that I am engaged to marry Flavus Aquila.
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