Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals


Well-known member
Don't think I need to give this one any introductions...

We've been eating delicious animals for a couple of 100,000 years. Had we not, our brains would be small and we'd be stupid. When you convince all the other predators in the world to stop eating animals, then I might start to consider becoming a vegetarian. Until then, I'll keep grilling steaks, killing deer (the buggers eat all my hosta), surf casting, and slurping raw oysters (fried some tonight--delicious).
Why not eat all of them, including each other? Solve the population issue too! Two birds with one stone. Why be choosy?

I'm not a big meat lover myself, but gimme soylent green and I won't complain.
We've been eating delicious animals for a couple of 100,000 years. Had we not, our brains would be small and we'd be stupid. When you convince all the other predators in the world to stop eating animals, then I might start to consider becoming a vegetarian. Until then, I'll keep grilling steaks, killing deer (the buggers eat all my hosta), surf casting, and slurping raw oysters (fried some tonight--delicious).

Ever hear of this little word called "progress"? Unless of course, you still defecate in your cave and club your wife over her head too?
Ever hear of this little word called "progress"? Unless of course, you still defecate in your cave and club your wife over her head too?

These days I don't think most people shit where they eat. Though I do hear that some people are into eating shit. How efficient!
Ever hear of this little word called "progress"? Unless of course, you still defecate in your cave and club your wife over her head too?

Give up. McDonald's has sold billions of hamburgers and will continue to do so despite PETA and other feel good, holier than thou, self-righteous organizations. Maybe you think tofu and soybeans are a delicious protein alternative to prime beef grilled just right, but I and hundreds of millions of other people don't. The reason meat is delicious to human beings is because we evolved as omnivores and it's natural for us to eat meat. Your idea of "progress" is not only boring, it's unnatural. Be vegetarian if it makes you feel special. The vast majority of the rest of us will continue eat meat.
There's a reason why we love one and eat the other. We attribute human-like positive traits to some animals and we don't to others.

Ironically, I think, if people stopped eating mean, the animals would be slaughtered anyway because the corporations would not invest in the further maintenance of animals which are no longer profitable. They would be dead weight, pun intended.
Give up. McDonald's has sold billions of hamburgers and will continue to do so despite PETA and other feel good, holier than thou, self-righteous organizations. Maybe you think tofu and soybeans are a delicious protein alternative to prime beef grilled just right, but I and hundreds of millions of other people don't. The reason meat is delicious to human beings is because we evolved as omnivores and it's natural for us to eat meat. Your idea of "progress" is not only boring, it's unnatural. Be vegetarian if it makes you feel special. The vast majority of the rest of us will continue eat meat.

Which is why millions of others won't eat it or support the industry that promote it. Someone needs to be able to stand in a mirror, say "we're not beyond hope" and redeem humanity at some point.

Gandhi even said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. What do those little pictures on the bottom of the posters tell about our nation... or Canada in this case?

There's a reason why we love one and eat the other. We attribute human-like positive traits to some animals and we don't to others.

Ironically, I think, if people stopped eating mean, the animals would be slaughtered anyway because the corporations would not invest in the further maintenance of animals which are no longer profitable. They would be dead weight, pun intended.

For most, it's not a question of animals being slaughtered, it's it a matter of them being bred into those conditions specifically for slaughter. Basic business rules would say that when the demand goes down, the supply should also.
I'm not going to stop eating meat. Do I want the best possible treatment of the animals yes I do. Would I pay more for that. Yes I would.

LOL @Blind Bandit Such an efficient argument.

I think that it is becoming apparent that the methods used within the poultry/dairy/Beef/Pork industry are counterproductive. In terms of environmental impact and humane concerns, the industries are too big. I would certainly advocate for smaller farms with more naturally raised animals.
LOL @Blind Bandit Such an efficient argument.

I think that it is becoming apparent that the methods used within the poultry/dairy/Beef/Pork industry are counterproductive. In terms of environmental impact and humane concerns, the industries are too big. I would certainly advocate for smaller farms with more naturally raised animals.

Exactly just because I eat meat doesn't mean I enjoy cruelty. Or that I don't care about the environment. I've had small farm raised meat before. its excellent and lacks a lot of the crap the rest of the market has in it. And the animals are allowed to roam and live a good well cared for life. I know this, because my grandpa used to have have cattle and would have one a year killed and the meat given to the family.
Well, there is the issue that.. if we raised all the animals that we did now more "naturally" for meat, it would actually be a lot more inefficient and the environmental impact a lot bigger. If everybody in America wanted the same amount of meat that they do now, but everybody wanted organic or raised in a high-end natural way or whatever...

In the end the population, and/or demand for meat, would have to be greatly reduced in order for that to work.
I like woodland-raised venison, which is a good argument for conservation.

I do to. But I admit I have a hard justifying it when their is plenty of meat already at the store.
Well, there is the issue that.. if we raised all the animals that we did now more "naturally" for meat, it would actually be a lot more inefficient and the environmental impact a lot bigger. If everybody in America wanted the same amount of meat that they do now, but everybody wanted organic or raised in a high-end natural way or whatever...

In the end the population, and/or demand for meat, would have to be greatly reduced in order for that to work.

You do realize most of our grain production is feed slaughter animals correct? Also there is nothing stopping us from improving the quality industry. It would just cost more. No maybe we couldn't have truly small farms but we could also stop doing things like putting animal parts into animal feed to beef them up more, or using hormones to grow bigger but crappier muscle mass. There are ways to improve the industry.
You do realize most of our grain production is feed slaughter animals correct?

Indeed... and those grains are genetically modified to be able to be grown in very energy-efficient ways. A lot of aspects of mass-production are there to allow for money and energy to be conserved. If we were to use other methods to raise and feed the same amount of animals, it would require a lot more energy. I remember reading a comment by someone who worked in the farming industry who was opposed to Michael Pollan's perspective, and explained how natural farming methods that would need to provide for the entire nation would be unrealistic and in fact further damage the environment. I've been trying to find it.

Also there is nothing stopping us from improving the quality industry. It would just cost more.

Sure I'll give you that.
Ever hear of this little word called "progress"? Unless of course, you still defecate in your cave and club your wife over her head too?

Yes progress! Of course, progress is to deny myself essential first-class proteins! I couldn't agree more! The only thing I agree with is the 'why love on but eat the other'. In Korea, they're more sensible, and eat animals we think of as pets, since they've realised that they're animals. People are starving all over the world, and yet battery farming is still 'evil', even though it is the only way to produce the necessary quantity of food.

I think that people are more important than animals, and that's the bottom line for me.
I do to. But I admit I have a hard justifying it when their is plenty of meat already at the store.

With their natural predators long gone, we have an over abundance of deer here. Professional hunters have been hired to cull the herd and even deer contraceptives have been tried. I have no problem with hunting and eating meat--it's a natural thing for us to do. Sitting on one's butt all day nibbling on processed vegetable matter (e.g., chips/crisps) and high caloric density carbohydrates, staring at an LED back-lit LCD display is not what we evolved to do.
Sitting on one's butt all day nibbling on processed vegetable matter (e.g., chips/crisps) and high caloric density carbohydrates, staring at an LED back-lit LCD display is not what we evolved to do.


I must be a different species then.