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i feel you, sister! perhaps you could look it up on the internet if youre interested in it? im no expert.I sure do, brother! Please elaborate more about this feng shui S&M grasshopper business?
i feel you, sister! perhaps you could look it up on the internet if youre interested in it? im no expert.I sure do, brother! Please elaborate more about this feng shui S&M grasshopper business?
'Hate' is not a physcial is an emotion
You can legislate against physical hurt but if you legislate against emotions then how do you prove the emotion existed?
believe me there have been countless dictatorial governments throughout history who would love to have that power because it enables them to stifle dissent, but dissent is our basic human right when we feel oppressed
The zionist propaganda machine started demonising the guy and calling him a 'holocaust denier'
But here is the thing about freedom of speech....
if however the parameters of the discussion are controlled by anyone group then the truth can be left out in the cold
Why do you keep bringing governments and the "zionist machine" into this discussion? It's about individuals and their stance on people that are transgendered. Hate crime isn't a term up for discussion. It's like disagreeing about the term "homie". You might disagree with the term and want to broaden it out, but the definition is very clear. If I hurt someone because they're black/jewish/muslim/christian/transgendered/homosexual/conservative/etc. etc. etc. - it's a hate crime. I hurt that person not because I didn't like them, but because they were in a group mentality that I didn't belong to, or strongly disagreed with. Not that it was a government or government agency, but because I hurt someone that belonged to a fraction that I didn't like.
This is why we should maintain the objectivity that i am trying to foster here to avoid the prejudicial foibles of individuals or groups whether you or anyone else
I have no problem with Lerxt giving his opion and discussing the topic -- it's the hateful manner in which he broached it that I do have an issue with.
Like, I have no problem with what Greyman says, and can actually relate to a lot of it. An example of someone who just doesn't get it, but is a respectful human being.
So is it fair for me to say that this is your stance on this issue: " @muir doesn't believe that people commit crimes that are motivated by hate of other groups, for instance transgendered people, because he doesn't believe that reality is real"?
If they create 'hate' laws they can then start deepening divisions in the public by fracturing it into sub sections instead of seeing all people as people who all have a right to not be subjected to violence
https://youreadygrandma.wordpress.c...y-reveals-that-all-homophobic-people-are-gay/April 16, 2015[h=1]Harvard Study Reveals that All Homophobic People are Gay[/h]A shocking, double-blind study released by Harvard, in collaboration with MIT, has revealed that all people who are homophobic are actually homosexuals themselves. The study, which was carried out over the course of 5 years and involved nearly 5,000 male subjects, is being accepted by the American Psychological Association as being “scientifically irrefutable.”This lengthy, intricate study was conducted by the folks at the Harvard Center for Brain Science and incorporated proven Penis Responsiveness Technology (PRT) and Brainwave Function Reading (BFR) from leading scientists from the Biomimetic Robotics Lab at MIT.
The Penis Responsiveness Technology was created from an offshoot program with the Meshworm Soft Robotics sleeve which was fitted around each of the subjects’ penises. It is capable of measuring blood flow, responsive twitches, and swelling. Meanwhile, Brainwave Function Reading system was set up with diodes attached to the different parts of the skull to read emotional responses in each part of the brain as stimuli was taken in by each subject.
Test subjects were then shown pictures of gay males in various affectionate scenarios of increasingly sexual nature.
“We began with hand holding, cuddling, and kissing,” said head researcher Maxwell Kow. “Without fail, each and every person in the study who strongly expressed a dislike of LGBT individuals in the intake survey always had brain activity that showed feelings of confusion and arousal,” stated Kow. “This was inevitably coupled with physical arousal to various degrees, but it was always significant enough to definitively show that they have a desire to be intimate with the same sex.”
The study also showed a direct, positive correlation between the degree of homophobia expressed in a subject’s survey and the decreased time it took the individual to reach full arousal.
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]Subject covering erection[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)]
Who said anything about shadow governments or hate laws? We're exchanging personal opinions about transgendered people.
What I don't get is why you need to be able to biologically justify something to not see people as less worth. Why is someone to be seen as less worth and susceptible to hate crime for identifying as something different, regardless if it is man-made or has biological basis?
Elis used the term 'hate crime' to describe prejudice against transgender people and i said that the use of that term was problematic as it is the start of a slippery slope towards totalitarianism
No, what I was referring to with hate crime was the acts of violence, not people being prejudice.
I just did a quick google search because this study seemed rather suspect...and apparently it doesn't exist. There are also no science sites reporting on it only random blogs and forums.
"We tried to search for the study in Harvard’s Center for Brain Science website and found that the study does not exist."
The only relevant study that can be found, appears to be one from 1996 done by University of Georgia.
Shut the fuck up. Do you know what is more "first world problem" than transgendered people?
A middle aged white male who is socioeconomically sound enough to fuck around with veganism and online forumgoing, writing a long ass post, COMPLAINING about those who won't even remotely affect his life. Pathetic much?
The difference is a matter of the person in question insulting a whole group of people who are considered to be disenfranchised. Think what you want, but most people will be able to see that it is not a hypocritical chastising. Maybe in your inner mental world of abstract crap that punchline exists, but it has no meaning outside of it because it doesn't hold up to reality.Are you complaining about those who won't even remotely affect your life? Are you on an online forum right now? I presume for you to make such a claim that not only are you the authority on fucking around with veganism, but that you certainly look like a vegetable at times staring at that screen. So what is the joke here? How is it ESTP can be so charismatic, loud, and excited and then forget the punchline every time? You are teasing us Nifferducken.![]()