
Star Trek - This TV series has been a touchstone for me throughout my life at various points. Like many thing that you carry with you, it made an impression on me in my youth with the Original Series. I think it was the mixture of the characters, the vision of the future, the issues it dealt with (racism, alienation, culture, war, philosophical topics) that was the appealing combination TGN which started off slow for me, but eventually as the series progressed, it did get better, and I came to like it almost much as the Original Series. I also liked Voyager although I was less a dedicated watcher of it than the other two. I was less a fan of DS Nine maybe because it lacked the "trek" aspect and was less about exploration. Enterprise was "hot and cold" for me, sometimes good, maybe I will watch it on Netflix if its available.

I consider myself a Trekkie but not in traditional fan obsessed sense, I've never been to convention, I would go just for the experience, but its not an obsession of mine.
[MENTION=2578]Kgal[/MENTION], thanks for sharing!! Cant wait. Hope it doesn't suck (lol). Hollywood has been lacking in the creativity department for several years now. Seriously, how many times can you redo superhero comics using new technology (yawn). I stopped watching Star Trek after the New Generation series. After that it sort of lost its humanitarian approach for me. Kind of like they went wandering in space where no one could quite relate to them anymore. Ha! Lost in Space. Theres a blast from the past!
@Kgal , thanks for sharing!! Cant wait. Hope it doesn't suck (lol). Hollywood has been lacking in the creativity department for several years now. Seriously, how many times can you redo superhero comics using new technology (yawn). I stopped watching Star Trek after the New Generation series. After that it sort of lost its humanitarian approach for me. Kind of like they went wandering in space where no one could quite relate to them anymore. Ha! Lost in Space. Theres a blast from the past!

:lol: Wow....definitely a blast from the past!!!!

Yeh...I quit watching after Next Gen ended. We can hope for a return to the initial spirit of intention when Gene created the series.
I was/am a TOS gal all the way, although I did enjoy parts of TNS and DS9. Wasn't a huge fan of Voyager or Enterprise though. However, I am looking forward to the new reboot movie - someone told me it was getting great reviews. Still have to get used to a new cast play my old faves, but I really enjoyed the first movie. The second one was about as good as a medium-bad Star Trek movie (cough*STV: The Final Frontier*cough). I have better hopes for this one.
I'm rewatching DS9 now. Odo just took some of his friends on a ride through his guilt-ridden mind.
Strange, up until now I would have considered myself in the oft-opposing Star Wars camp, but when I think about it, I think I'm more of a trekkie.

I grew up with the original series and TNG as passive Sunday night dinner rituals. It was just what we watched. Nobody ever seemed super enthusiastic, but at the same time nobody ever argued about it or thought of watching something else. I remember always being bummed when TNG had period piece episodes (i.e. Shakespeare) etc, but as I've grown older, I do appreciate how versatile of a show it really is, and though some of it is cheesy and campy, the characters can be really endearing. My brother brought out some good points of how it is similar to a dramatic play, and how there is usually an element of reasoning and logical problem solving in most episodes, which is kind of appealing in an educational sense.

He also made a decent observation of how the current movies, while thoroughly entertaining, don't seem to have the same spirit as the series. The new movies are really more like action movies than drama.

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This made me literally guffaw. Here's hoping you laugh out loud @Sadie
