I have been reading about typology over the last few months and figuring out I'm an INFJ has been pretty revealing in terms of thinking about my personality and how I deal with certain things. I was wondering if any other INFJs feel like their inner emotions are often kind of... too uncomfortably dark to share. Like, I sometimes really difficult to share with people what's on my mind because I feel like I *feel* an abnormal amount of emotional confusion and pain. Whether it's about my own insecurities or philosophical angst or some tragic injustice I just read about on the news. I don't want to always be "the downer," you know? I can find myself consciously trying to talk about superficial, upbeat things or withdrawing/isolating just so I don't have to feel so out of place... any other INFJs identify? If so, have you found ways to cope better?
I do have a light-hearted, silly side (I can be fascinated by the same things a 5-year-old would be- like, "ooh look at those pretty colors!"
) but I feel like I am so often "dragged downward," in a way that makes it hard to connect or enjoy myself socially.
I do have a light-hearted, silly side (I can be fascinated by the same things a 5-year-old would be- like, "ooh look at those pretty colors!"