[NSFW] True face of military industrial complex of today

I'll take your "bullshit" as being above your payscale, as I was above mine earlier.

Not paid to care is a British sentiment. This bullshits' however -- above board -- everyone agrees at the very least, a small bit. :)

Edit: time to send puns over board along with the mentality and absurditiy.
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Let them walk the plank. Aye.
We humans try our very best to make the more things that could become dangerous, more secure. Good night Enjoyed the talk.
Needing a hobby, there are things to consider.
Crypto is one of those things always bothersome, and there is also thing to laugh at.

looking at some build scripts, most turn off NaCL library by default when building chromium.
So here you have a list of things not to do, like RSA 4096 bits -- larger is not always better.

And to quite a snippet from the iridium build script:

# By default, do not check out Chromium autofill captured sites test
# dependencies. These dependencies include very large numbers of very
# large web capture files. Captured sites test dependencies are also
# restricted to Googlers only.
'checkout_chromium_autofill_test_dependencies': False,
# Check out and download nacl by default. This can be disabled e.g. with
# custom_vars.
'checkout_nacl': False,

And in the https://github.com/iridium-browser/iridium-browser-dev repository.
Lots of stuff gets pulled in that should be using libsodium, which is why these musings are relevant to this thread as ORTv4 uses libsodium and has its own libgoldilock where ed448 gives 224 bit security; and olabini's implementation looks quite good.

So this in context, the person that adds SHAKE256 support in Ola bini's goldilocks library may also get arrested. SHA3-512 is most probably however, https://keccak.team/keccak.html , which implementation though! Right so... https://github.com/XKCP/XKCP , anyone that likes to code maths and aren't alergic to assembly and C / GO....

World of IT has so much to laugh at, according to most recomendations; assuming things are broken. And everything said here could be wrong, as it really is such a mess. You'd likely need clearance in a stock exchange or a larger bank to actually know.

All this combined, assuming this is true and that github.com doesn't use SHA3, I'm wondering if he shared the code and placed it elsewhere, as it would be possible to compromise.

Something something, Assange needsa a whambulance for not having had enough attention.

And I may need a German VPN to access the source code of iridium browser from https://iridiumbrowser.de.

To some things up:

Last stable release of this is 2013 http://veracity-scm.com/ .

The blog says:
SHA-1 is considered broken because somebody found a smarter way to search for a collision, a method which is more effective than just trying random combinations over and over as fast as you can. But that doesn’t mean that finding a collision is easy. It simply means that the search for a collision in SHA-1 should take less time than it is theoretically supposed to take. Instead of the full 80 bits of strength that we would expect SHA-1 to have, it actually has about 51 bits of strength. That means that instead of 38 billion years, we should expect to find a collision in about 70 years.

But still, 70 years is a long time. It remains the case that nobody has ever found a collision in SHA-1.

Nonetheless, there are some who will feel safer using a stronger hash algorithm. This is why we decided to give Veracitysupport for SHA-2 and Skein, both of which allow for 256 bits or more and neither of which has been broken. At 256 bits, the search for a collision is going to take a long time. Instead of one million attempts per second, let’s do a trillion. And let’s assume that there are 6 billion people on Earth and every one of them has a computer and each of us are doing a trillion checks per second. At that rate, it should take us around 2 trillion years to find a collision.
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Think this perhaps concludes this thread! :p

Don't be naive if anything related to this is a hobby and you can, say, build a supercomputer as well.

Lucikly I've never coded anything but bare necessities.

And yes:

Git is still on SHA1 it seems, go figure! (or sha2-256 which is less than 224) -- whutaver!

Not that anyone is asking me what the biggest trust concern is, but....
Compilers ignore empty spaces, so can be used to search for a collision.
One of the oldest and more problematic security problems involve compilers, and only way to truly get around that is something called bootstrapping. Haven't used an OS that had this as an option since Gentoo allowed it in 2003 or something.
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What can you tell me about the Android Triada? Google?
What can you tell me about the Android Triada? Google?

Don't really know much about the reference, but CopperOS costs an arm and a leg and kinda requires you to compile it yourself.
There are however rules for most of those involved, where trojans usually don't.
Different language....how do you feel about following people around and listening to what they say? What they are watching? Profiling? All in the name of cell phones and computers. We're having fun, right?

Anyway, you are talking over my head. Under my thumb. In left field. upload_2019-6-17_18-33-23.webp Nano Nano: so old it's gone.

Just for fun, though...
It is fun chatting with you. Reminds me of the little games where men jumped up and grabbed gold coins. Atari Mario Brothers let the cat out the bag.
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Fun post, and while these topics may be boring.
It's the equivalent of knowing that a wax sealed envelope in a locked box is private.
Many of these things are equivalent to this, what do you think about private documents in the hall way, out on the street?
Just saw this in a news story:
https://www.wyden.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/061919 Wyden Sensitive Data Transmission Best Practices Letter to NIST.pdf

It's asking NIST about secure ways to send documents over the internet due to complaints about .zip files.

So given this has been about ed448 and blake2b so far, might as well mention twofish and serpant as other finalist where neither won and becamse AES, but are superior to the winner in software or in FPGA implementations.
When it comes to compression,


Has been around since 2000.

Where the .xz extension is another one of those things to avoid due to no error correction on length, where also Sha-2 implementations are ill adviced, especially in combination as blake2b is immune to this problem and faster than even the dolest alternatives, where no standard coming from NIST, from SHA-1 til SHA-3 is comparable to blake2b.

So, dear senator; you may get conflicting answers from the NIST, as the right answers inolve closing an attack vector from the "cyberdefense" people that has little interest in data integrity and safety.

It's ridiculous actually how much stuff out there that navigates around this length attack mechanism and cryptographic checksums and related tools. Also interesting what stuff actually uses the safest and best tools and combinations, as even with broken things there are combinations that work.
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Conflicting "partial" answers, indeed.

And the technology learns!
Fun post, and while these topics may be boring.
It's the equivalent of knowing that a wax sealed envelope in a locked box is private.
Many of these things are equivalent to this, what do you think about private documents in the hall way, out on the street?

The way I see it? If it is MY glassine, the contents rarely get shared with anyone...unless, of course, we could cautiously help make things better and more safe.

I have a technical problem with google chrome, that seem to be a search term that gets put into me suggested search history for ny other search.
That ola+bini never goes away and not sure where it comes from, because it has nothing to do with any other searches.

Using a mangled and modified google chrome, but there is nothing there that would make google propose this additional metadata.

Not a problem, but that also means all of my meta data is unintionally being tracked by the tags ola bini, and not random string or something else, assuming it is an accident; seems to come directly from google as well.

the search term "november+grunnloven+nansen" was due to interest in specifically who nansen was that signed the first draft or proposal of the norwegian constitution, it was Fridtjof Nansens grandfather, having nothing to do with cryptography of ola bini, and have lots of those, this was yesterday and the day before.

Nansen seem to have been from the largest Norwegian fjord, his grandson barely needs mentioning.

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Interesting read. I think i followed about 80% of it.

@Ifur What's your thoughts on developing AI in regards to security? I personally worry about AI, I don't think society as a whole has a good understanding of what it is and what it could be used for.
Secuity? Well, did som technical support for some going wanting to do riot detection with AI at a business school believe it or not.
It's in pratice equivalent of having one technicl and specialized system that require babysitting and quality control for actionable things and analysis.
While a couple of nurses could give this tasks to a care facility for the mentally disabled with downs and other things.

Now, human understanding of language and many other things stem from making sense of the natural and physical world, so identity problems are less likely.
A common problem with AI is something called an identity problem, whereby something intentionally or unintentionally is made to be relevant for everything.
Someone with Downs can get away from this by pointing at this particular person not likeing trains/train stations so perhaps not relevant for this person.

In short, an AI system wantng to understand a train station and the video feeds can't think like this, it's outside of possible awareness/consciousness in lack of a better description. Now, this isn't saying it isn't trenendously important also for identity crisis in people as well. It's however mostly internal rather than external for having eyes and airs fixed on something, where the problem is identity problem making all else irrelevant or the focus relevant for everything no matter what.

Now, having large systems with AI for all public places may either lead to lots of false positives, or distractions for things that are just hooligans where the worst that can happen to a minor "skirmish" is riot police if it's fight club kind of people. If it's really important, like say parliament, a care facility for some people with downs would be more trustworthy.

Third problem is practices that reinforces the idea that it works, for example that a riot happens because it starts by being an anti police state kind of thing. Come help, the police is trying to stop an unsactioned voluntairy street fighting get-together. Making it hugely attractive because the police has shown up without there being victims or anything vandalized.

Non-technical people are more likely to trust technical things they don't understand.
Or right, so image analysis is at the level of fucking bees, and combined with dumb shit people say on facebook?

Authorities are starting to act like facebook supporter club.
Haning out at the fan forums, attending all the things announced, hating and liking all the right things.
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I have a technical problem with google chrome, that seem to be a search term that gets put into me suggested search history for ny other search.
That ola+bini never goes away and not sure where it comes from, because it has nothing to do with any other searches.

Using a mangled and modified google chrome, but there is nothing there that would make google propose this additional metadata.

Not a problem, but that also means all of my meta data is unintionally being tracked by the tags ola bini, and not random string or something else, assuming it is an accident; seems to come directly from google as well.


Another one ended up in completion and search history, the same string with ola bini in it.
So one search is about laws and rights, the other one is maths, at least two of these in history that caught my attention.

What is this bullshit? And it does come up with every single search done with google when I bother to look in the address bar.

The internet is stupid, and this seems like one of the ways, equivalent of checking out the wrong book to have everything tracked in hopes of finding a pattern, like working on a paper and reading historically and contextually relevant things.

If you bother to look into news stories, you will be watched! And of all this, the most interesting thing seems to be Ola Bini and tracking the curious about cryptography.

Most news stories seem to be in spanish, having this guy living in a media bubble, counter intelligence seems to be matched here with the general notion of intelligence in these matters.


Is the address in the results page after typing that in, could be fun to dig into and work out exactly where and how and ask google or relevant agencies.

Given the story around Ola Bini and recent international events and history, this is balls out 1984 level of dumb shit.

So to quote shaprespear, "all the world is a stage and the players mere actors".

In the threatrical setting of Orwells 1984, the players seems to be China, USA, Russia, Europe and South America. At the stakes is the tremendously large economic value in cryptography due to the ability to track stuff and crack each others secret codes used whe things aren't important enough to do it personally. Where the actors play for Huawei, the White House and international intelligence agencies and their cooperation agreements, secrecy and power plays with smoke and mirrors.

The players are Muller, Trump and unbeknowingst Ola Bini and Assange on the sidelines reach for fame and recognition.

Introducing the play to the audience, we have Snowden, reassuring everyone that we are all participating. The screen knows your Face, and you have all learned to love FaceTime, FaceApp and have free tickets to the show!

Government support and movement towards better journalism would be welcomed, this is just dumb, majority may not care, be knowledgeable enough or understand sufficiently to participate irregardless tyranny of the masses or opinion control. But it is great depression broken...

The 1930s has been called the "Age of the Columnists." The form of the signed, regular editorial spot for writers on social and cultural issues of the day included everyone from comedians to First Ladies. It was also the decade which saw the rise of 35mm photography and photojournalism, and the heyday of newsreels. Radio journalism became the dominant elecronic medium for news and entertainment, while the newly invented television technology would have to wait until for another decade before it's potential could be realized,

"I swear and promise all my signed articles and columns are my honest opinion and understanding after studying the topic and issue at hand."
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Suspect this is the attack being used, as the injected url address that is superflous, and for my mangled google chromium.
I'm using en_US localization for language, that chromium is respecting, and there is this extention that helps block cookies and other things.

While there is redirection involved depending on geographic location for google when not using VPN, it's not likely to come from Google as that would be lazy to not use "Google-Search" rather than a translation when there is no other reason than geolocation on the internet. Usually, it can be hard to avoid using the national front page of Google depending on where you are. Mine says, "also offered in norwegian".

This may aid in getting clear text from me between google and my laptop, it does sound like script kiddies are involved, I don't know.

It's however laughable, and perhaps case closed. Other than whether who to suspect on my network between my laptop and google servers.

Whoever is doing this, "read flag", no insight to be found other than me explaining.

A technical execuse or justification isn't likely, and may indicate guessing certain properties.
While someone with my IT background and interests statistically use en_US for a better key layout that is more convient which choices for symbols in UNIX systems.

This indicates a hierarchical system for attempting to data mine by target those that do specific searches like Ola Bini. And there are likely lots of other "hot topics" among current events covered in international media for example. So can assume this is a least favoured strategy for a risk of being caught red handed. Thankfully, I'm highly alternative, one of the least frequently used Linux distributions where I may be among very few people using this and google chormium.

There is a NEO problem in the Matrix kind of.

No other reasonable explanation than systematic and automated interfereces with services, no human hands was likely involved in this oversight.
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Played a bit with search, and got ola bini to go away, turn off and on and changed regions and such after posting this to confirm, that yes, there was no reason between me or google to have "Google-Søk" anywhere in the results palge.
After switching to Norwegian as a consequence, and then back to Enlish and changing region, the sticky "ola bini" string went away.

So the helpful reminder about ola bini went away, which has brought me back here quite a few times.

However, this can't really have been a "service" that has anything to do with me or service providers like google, as the mistakes show signs of being done by hand by a third party.

Think I may have managed to poke the bugs with a banana by fiddling with this.
In complex systems, screwyness often goes away by re-applying things.
And how this often shows itself, are things where there is a chorum, something lagged behind.
Were agreeing and doing changes to itself while being denid the new one for example.
The commonly applied banana as a technical term here, is applying a stop before a start, or starting twice or stopping twice before things get more tight.

That it is Ola Bini search term is however so far remoed from random it's a bit like reading a comment in source code about poking something with a banana as the tecnical explanation.
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