Hmm, so a personal anecdote that may or may not prove to be interesting food for thought (I never know)...
I had a good friend over for beers last night, and we were joking about Trump's suggestion to delay the election, and we also went over a number of hypotheticals, joking about how he probably wouldn't go quietly. This was all speculative, but the key was that it was all in good fun (though, I think the speculation is reasonable as he regularly seems paranoid about the integrity/authenticity of the very systems he's part of). I'm not a big fan of Trump, and the main reason is because his insecurity is off-putting and kind of worrying to me. There have been certain things he's done and potentially plans to do that affect people in my personal life, but I try to laugh about things at the end of the day.
I'm not entirely sure if everyone involved with thread feels the same, but I don't detect a lot of fear-mongering/negativity as much as unity around a common opinion, i.e. a healthy discussion over beers. The discussion becomes unhealthy once it starts affecting people's personal lives, mental health, ability to function, etc.
As to whether to this thread has any sort of purpose (I believe there was an implication that it does not), I generally think purpose is pretty arbitrary. There are things that I think are "important", but that's objectively BS... I just continue to post and talk about them, hoping that others will be interested, too. I try not to be dismissive of others' topics, but I will admit that I do sometimes... Not something I'm proud of.