Trusting with a higher power

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Norwich, I wanted to quickly add that your thoughts are so important to me because you've walked a mile in my moccasins and have processed things similarly to me. Its so awesome to be understood :)
Norwich, I wanted to quickly add that your thoughts are so important to me because you've walked a mile in my moccasins and have processed things similarly to me. Its so awesome to be understood :)
That's so cool. It was my intuition and not that freakish, projecting phenomena. Yes, I agree it's awesome to be understood!!!!!
Thanks everyone for posting their helpful suggestions on my thread. I know it wasn't supposed to be an emotional support thread and it sort of turned out that way, but at the same time sometimes things discussions like thsi end up intertwined...

The search for deeper meanings and spiritual assistance is not uncommon, so it was good to hear what others had to say.

I'm good for now, and will not be revisiting this thread any longer for my search, as I feel I have had enough insights. Thanks again!
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