- Enneagram
- 5w4
I have been like that whole my life! Would you say you thought of what others think of you all day every day? Did you do things only because you believed they would like it and whould accept you? (I'm asking from my own experiences!)
How did you stop yourself from trying to fit in? Did you stop doing things because you believed people would like you more because of it? And how do you know where to put the line? I don't know where to put the line. When am I doing something because I like the person and when do I do something to be accepted. A lot of times when people ask me to do something for them I'm undecided because I really don't know if I should do it, whether it is healty if I would do it... if you know what I mean
Keep in mind that these thoughts are only my own individual findings of myself.
Mine was a combination of curiosity and inferiority complex. I don't necessarily want to belong to anything, in fact, I am quite content to spend days alone. Even so, I think I somehow tricked myself into thinking I was doing something wrong and that people didn't like to be around me.
Well the root cause in my case is that I am an intellectual and I was actively trying to suppress my "deep" side which resulted in me not talking to anyone about anything. Eventually you kind of get sucked into constantly worrying about what someone else will think because you are so used to it.
These complexes also seem to have a sort of fear mechanism built in. You fear that if you attempt to get over it, that it will fundamentally change you into something you wish you weren't. But from a logical sense this doesn't happen overnight and you would see any sort of significant change coming from a mile away.
The way to do it is to tell yourself to stop every time you catch yourself wondering what someone else will think. If you see someone else on the street and you start thinking about what they think, just tell yourself to stop. In line at the store and wondering what all the people walking by will think? Stop. Talking to a friend and wondering what others around you will think? Stop.
In addition, I also worried that I would start to be rude to others because I didn't take them into consideration, but so far I think our issue and the issue of maturity and/or respect are separate, and you can most certainly still be courteous without actively wondering what they are thinking.
I was fairly surprised how much more comfortable I felt within the first day of doing it.