[INFJ] two questions for you infjs?


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infjs two questions.
1)how good are you at using fi(introverted feeling) according socionics and other mbti theories infjs are quite good at fi its just they treat it passivley?
2)do you think art is about expressing when artists is experiencing inside?
elaborate on both please
1) I've learned to relate to other's problems during discussions by thinking about my own experiences and emotions, but it feels awkward, self-centered, and clunky to me. Saying, "I understand," and not elaborating about why can be worse because it can come off as cold or creepy, though, plus in order to bond with other people we must share a bit of ourselves. I know I have a hard time navigating the balance of this. I will either just say I understand and sit quietly and listen (and feel deeply) and then offer possible solutions, or I'll end up relating my own experiences and (at least to me) it seems like I'm talking about myself too much when the conversation is about someone else's experience or issue.
So, I do not think I have a good grasp of Fi.

2) Well, yes. Unless you're just copying as an exercise, art has to come from within. Even choosing what to draw/paint/sculpt has to come from somewhere within no matter what MBTI you are. Where from within varies by type and individual.
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1. I thought INFJs were not so great at Fi, at least according to MBTI? Fi concerns personal feelings or tastes. I've struggled with both considerably. I have trouble knowing what I'm feeling and determining what I prefer. My Fi is weak.

2. Usually yes, but I cannot know what they were feeling when they made the piece of art. All I know is how I feel when interacting with it, so my experience of the art is a reflection of what I'm experiencing inside more than anything else.
infjs two questions.
1)how good are you at using fi(introverted feeling) according socionics and other mbti theories infjs are quite good at fi its just they treat it passivley?
2)do you think art is about expressing when artists is experiencing inside?
elaborate on both please
For your first question I have no idea , I'm a bit confused. All I know is I am an at will introvert/ extrovert depending the person.communication happens easily with some peeps. And it just blocks with others. And about art, art for me.is always a self reflection, my mood, my mental state, my healing can be done through art. Art has been a life saver for me, particularly music .
1) I definitely have feelings (a lot of them!) but a lot of the time I don't really recognise/identify them properly until I'm literally falling apart or something - I'm within INFJ rather strange because I'm also an enneagram 7 and often don't even recognise that I'm not doing ok (I'll be laughing and smiling, then just completely fall apart. It's confusing for me too.). So defs have feelings, but most of the time don't pay much attention to them (have to work on that!).
2) Oh, definitely! I'm really into writing - possibly partly because you can write with your emotions without actually having to put them into words (as in, 'I'm feeling sad', not as in literally without words.) I find that writing/art lets me kind of recognise my own emotions after I finish? Once I step away from it and come back, I can identify what I was feeling in hindsight. Lol makes no sense!
infjs two questions.
1)how good are you at using fi(introverted feeling) according socionics and other mbti theories infjs are quite good at fi its just they treat it passivley?
2)do you think art is about expressing when artists is experiencing inside?
elaborate on both please

1. Fi must be expressed outside in order for there to be order within just as in contrast dom Fi types must find a way to express Fe in order to be fully morally correct. So how do I do that? I either go over board as people love to express and drag me down with or I give myself internal structure according to my spirituality and the over all needs and given birth rights of humans as a whole.

2. Art expresses what is happening within a person but must be communicated outside of them. Therefore compassion and feeling must be balanced inside and outside. Just as art must be expressed within and to the viewer. The objective for all types is to find balance. In which way I won’t say because it’s specific to each person what that purpose or need is.
1. Fi must be expressed outside in order for there to be order within just as in contrast dom Fi types must find a way to express Fe in order to be fully morally correct. So how do I do that? I either go over board as people love to express and drag me down with or I give myself internal structure according to my spirituality and the over all needs and given birth rights of humans as a whole.

2. Art expresses what is happening within a person but must be communicated outside of them. Therefore compassion and feeling must be balanced inside and outside. Just as art must be expressed within and to the viewer. The objective for all types is to find balance. In which way I won’t say because it’s specific to each person what that purpose or need is.

In other words love must have boundaries just as it must abound.
infjs two questions.
1)how good are you at using fi(introverted feeling) according socionics and other mbti theories infjs are quite good at fi its just they treat it passivley?
2)do you think art is about expressing when artists is experiencing inside?
elaborate on both please
1) TBA later
2) Absolutely! I am an artist. My favorite art to create is tangible sculpture, tools, kinetics...utilizing wood, metal, stone, ceramic, brick, masonry. I am not at all bothered if someone does not like a creation but I do like to find out why they do not like it. By the same token, If they do like a creation, then I love to find out why they like it.
Dr. Dario Nardi's EEG studies on MBTI types show that all types have a "strong" 6th function. It makes sense that we'd have a pretty strong function 6th that balances out our "parent function"/2nd function. I use my Fi to remember things I read or while studying. I feel each word and the combination of the words. When studying I repeat this process several times and it sticks. I also use it to feel how accurate, on a scale from 0%-100% in 5% increments, my Ni is. I have also noticed that my mind uses Fi as a marker, like a file tag or music notes, for my pool of information/filing system I have, and my Ni pulls these details/notes/Fi's and combines them into a Ni; which is like a song made of those notes It pulls them together to form a concept or conclusion. It's nuanced and subtle, but it's there.

Yes, art comes from within and is tied to feelings. When I write I feel/Fi myself as if I were the character I am writing. Same with music. You have to feel it.

If you want to understand how we misuse Fi, or how Fi can give us problems when we treat it like Fe read my thread titled: Stop focusing on "what others think about you", and an explanation of "why". It explains how Fi can give us trouble if we aren't careful and how we wind up treating it somewhat like Fe. I think every INFJ has dealt with this at some point in their life.
No idea..I think mbti is interesting and gives some insight into ones life..
Art..what is inside is given light through art..the emotions that we hold onto come out through what we do
I don’t understand the introverted feeling thing as I haven’t researched what that really means. But for #2, yes I believe most art is experienced from the inside out. Unless it’s acting, since the actor has to put inside what the writer has offered from the outside.