You're lovely David. <3 This is comforting to hear, however, I still LOVE the MBTI discussion. I can be a bit stubborn... hehe. I do still believe I am INFJ. This is not because I want to be a magical unicorn type, or claim to be "rare"... I mean come on... how rare are INFJs if I know at least three or four of them? (Assuming the testing and typing themselves went right, but I know that two of them seem to be very INFJ lol) But it's because that type "fits" me the absolute most. It feels like "home". Ni and Fe feel like "home"... it just feels like me. It makes so much sense. I just like to include others, and I like to hear input. It's always nice to hear what others have to say, so that I can put it in my "bank" of information and use it. If it's good, I use it for confidence, if it's bad, I use it for improving myself. It's that simple
I do believe it was
@acd that asked me about some INFP traits. I have not had time to fully think on that, but I can give a few examples

Most of these are when I put myself or my wishes over the "tribe". But it doesn't happen more than going with the tribe. I can be pretty selfish sometimes... and I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean... just putting myself first. What do I want or need, vs what my friends/family want or needs. This I say is a tendency instead of an actual thing about me because I do usually go with what others want instead of myself. So here are a few examples of some INFP traits that I identify with. (Be aware, some of these probably overlap with being INFJ too, but from what I have read so far, these are things INFPs would do or feel that I relate to.
I sometimes don't like to plan social things because what if something else comes up or if I don't feel like doing this thing we are planning? I get anxiety about said plan or I say "It depends on how I feel". Notice the "I" part, it doesn't matter if they really want me to do it, what matters is if I feel like it or not. However I do plan things, like I have planned to go to my bf's sister's house for the 4th of July, and I can't wait.

I don't care how I feel, I want to visit them and they've been asking us to come over, so it feels good.(When it comes to anything other than social things, boy do I love planning and researching and all that goodness!)
Sometimes, when I want something, I stop at nothing to get it. Even if everyone is telling me it's not smart, or it's not logical or not the right time or whatever. These rarely can be impulses, (and if they are, they sometimes get returned because I convince myself I don't need them lol) but most of the time, it's thought out and planned. Like for instance my phone has slowly been messing up due to me dropping a plate on it, cracking the screen. It's still usuable, but I've been researching phones, and found the exact same phone I had for under 300 bucks... refurbished. I paid like 700 for the one I have now... so I bought it, even though my bf was saying, wait until your phone is unusable, we need to save money. XD I kept trying to reason with him why I needed to go ahead, and he said said FINE WHATEVER APRIL. And I got my way. LOL. This happens very seldom with big purchases, and only when we actually have the money to spare. We are better off now than we were a bit ago, financially speaking. I would NEVER spend bill money or anything like that on an un-needed purchase. But I can be very hard headed and stubborn when I want something. Like a spoiled child or something.

I have to work on my discipline! I do not like this about myself. Thank God it doesn't happen often.
Another instance of this is when I wanted a newer car, everyone told me it isn't smart, I could get more use out of the car I had, which I had owned for more than ten years! I got one anyway. It was my money and I worked for it.

There are a few more situations where I put myself first, what I wanted, and going against others' wishes. I didn't use my head very much, I used my heart and what I wanted. These things don't happen very often though, and usually my wants only go as far as researching and being obsessed, lol. Like for instance I have been obsessed with Siberian huskies for as long as I can remember. Especially miniature huskies! Alaskan Klee Kai, Miniature Siberians, and Pomskies... those types of dogs. They are usually between a thousand to four thousands bucks... and I have dreamed of the day! For years. But because it's a big responsibility, and a big purchase, I have not done it. I rescued a beautiful Siberian who was only 40 lbs from the pound, and my ex ended up with her when we split up because I had no place to put her and she died a few years later because he said someone poisoned her. He was sad, I was sad, and if I ever find out who did it....

At least she got to come visit me here, but I wasn't allowed to keep her permanently

It was heartbreaking.
Back to the tendencies... sorry about the rabbit trail...
I do replay memories in my mind, and they do provoke strong emotions sometimes. (Si) BUT... I tend to "dream" up scenarios about the future wayyyy more... like 8 out of 10 times, if that makes any difference. Like, dreaming about graduating and becoming a nurse! Owning a home, having pets, etc. (Se happens when I am stressed, I will overeat, overindulge in things I like, buy things... etc... this is what happens when I am stressed)
I do prefer writing to speaking. I am much more comfortable that way, and can freeze up in social situations, anxiety about awkward silences can make me just blurt out things, and that is even more awkward. I hate my anxiety, lol.
I am beginning to see the importance of self. (With growing confidence) What I feel and what I want and need, are actually important.
I sometimes bounce from idea to idea, but usually, I have a particular idea in the back of my mind, and the bouncing is just ways to implement it, which can vary substantially.
But I found a link... and the more I read it.. the more I am convinced I am not an Fi user... the differences in INFP and INFJ when in writing just.. scream at me, and when I read something my whole body is like, "WOW I do that! Wait, that's an INFJ trait, not INFP" LOL
Jesus, I am longwinded as of late. I will post this link in the next post... this one is long...