[INFJ] Type Me + Mintoots edition

Interesting. I haven't visited this thread in a while.
@mintoots – Ren gave good advice in the last part you quoted.
My closest friend is an INTJ and she only figured it out by taking the official paid test. If it is that important to you to know your type, it's worth taking. I won't go into describing my friend in detail here, but she seems like an INFJ, INFP (due to well-developed Fi) and INTJ wrapped up into one person. For a while she hovered on INFJ, but said it didn't really fit and she didn't take MBTI seriously. She has Ni. The popular descriptions of INTJ on the free sites didn't describe her well. She secretly took the official test and she claimed it was "life changing" and the description fit her perfectly.

Thank you for this advice. I'm not sure if it really matters to me though. To be honest, i've been convinced and settled that I am INFJ for a while now and @Ren is right in saying that my being swayed by these opinions is indicative of being INFJ -- I was sure but now I'm doubting because these new perspectives could be correct. Although in hindsight, this may well be an INTJ reaction too ( :D ). If i insisted my being INFJ, that too could be a stubborn INTJ reaction.

I think @Ren was pretty swayed by these opinions enough that it warranted his substantial advice ( :D ).

But by my thought process alone, I think I am INFJ. I approach an issue from different perspectives and i am hardly dead set in my ways. It takes a while. I don't conclude by my own research, I always consult others to check more perspectives other than my own. INTJs don't really do that. Compared to my INTJ college roomies turned besties, I am definitely more organized, more social, and often more drained by others. They have had to step in to protect me from myself several times --- and by this they built walls around me for me so that others couldn't "use" me. I was that college classmate whose notes get lent to everyone and miss out on my own studying but I didn't mind. They were often forced into social situations because I could never decline others and they couldn't resist me. Haha. i was often scolded by them because "i gave too much fuck". And by that, yes I am definitely an E2 although I am significantly pressing on my boundaries enough to type me an E1 --- but I think this is also a product of my experiences and my corresponding coping mechanisms.

My visions are also far more encompassing, society-driven, service-oriented, and far more forward looking. My INTJ friends have elaborate worlds and thoughts and plans but these are often inward looking or centric to themselves. I am not like this. My self is almost never in the equation and I am often told to be better at putting myself first, which I always massively fail at.

I can't do something if it's only for my gain alone. For a while yes, but I have to convince myself that it's for a greater advocacy and then it would be worth it. I was once afraid of the thought of marriage precisely because I felt I was being too selfish. That I havent given back yet, first to my alma mater and now to my nation. So yes. I think I'm very INFJ. A bit more on the anal spectrum but INFJ nonetheless.
If so, i'd like to attack this from a different point of view. Which of my traits strike you as definitely not INFJ?

I'm going to mention @Deleted member 16771 and @Infjente for the specific reason that we're discussing it but I'm hoping to hear from others too.

I can't think of anything that is 'definitely not INFJ' about you trait-wise. To me, you 'look' and act very much like an INFJ. It's when I'm trying to follow and understand the process behind the 'observable evidence', that your type 'looks' INTJ and not INFJ. As I mentioned earlier, from the way you explain thinking and feeling and later from your blog), it looks to me like your thinking is focused on the external world and your feeling is focused internally (Te-Fi). Fe-Ti looks similar because they are kind of doing the same thing, but different. INTJs are emotionally invested in whatever passes the strict value based Fi criterias. INFJs are very sure about whatever passes the correct/incorrect filtration system of Ti. So in a way you could say that INTJs are rational beings lead by their hearts in everything they decide to do, while INFJs are emotional beings lead by their logic in everything they do.

I'm in a hurry, but I will get back to you with something more concrete and examples of what I mean. :sweatsmile:
You are never going to make this work.
I think @Ren was pretty swayed by these opinions enough that it warranted his substantial advice ( :D ).

I think Asa's advice is better, to be honest. Because it allows you to figure out your type more impersonally.

Everyone of us here has probably some unconscious motive to convince you that your type is whatever suits our internal models of what your type should be according to the evidence. So as long as you haven't made the choice yourself, the discussion won't reach a resolution.

That said, the function/opinion distinction is important and a lot of mistyping happens when it fails to be heeded.
Compared to my INTJ college roomies turned besties, I am definitely more organized, more social, and often more drained by others. They have had to step in to protect me from myself several times --- and by this they built walls around me for me so that others couldn't "use" me. .... i was often scolded by them because "i gave too much fuck".....

My visions are also far more encompassing, society-driven, service-oriented, and far more forward looking..... My self is almost never in the equation and I am often told to be better at putting myself first, which I always massively fail at.

I can't do something if it's only for my gain alone. For a while yes, but I have to convince myself that it's for a greater advocacy and then it would be worth it. I was once afraid of the thought of marriage precisely because I felt I was being too selfish. That I havent given back yet, first to my alma mater and now to my nation. ....

All of these things are a blessing and a curse (and familiar). There may always be a push-pull, but you'll learn to balance these things better with age. You're really lucky to have friends who helped you with boundaries.

So in a way you could say that INTJs are rational beings lead by their hearts in everything they decide to do, while INFJs are emotional beings lead by their logic in everything they do.

This is great.
That's alright. It's kind of our thing, isn't it? :tonguewink::hug:

Being a passive aggressive brat?

Brat yes, passive aggressive I hope not :neutral: Although we all can be, sometimes not consciously, so it is useful to be reminded of it when it happens.
Being a passive aggressive brat?

Brat yes, passive aggressive I hope not :neutral: Although we all can be, sometimes not consciously, so it is useful to be reminded of it when it happens.

I probably felt I deserved it. I know I can be an inconsiderate jerk when it comes to typing, so It's useful to be reminded of that too. :blush:
Thank you for this advice. I'm not sure if it really matters to me though. To be honest, i've been convinced and settled that I am INFJ for a while now and @Ren is right in saying that my being swayed by these opinions is indicative of being INFJ -- I was sure but now I'm doubting because these new perspectives could be correct. Although in hindsight, this may well be an INTJ reaction too ( :D ). If i insisted my being INFJ, that too could be a stubborn INTJ reaction.

I think @Ren was pretty swayed by these opinions enough that it warranted his substantial advice ( :D ).

But by my thought process alone, I think I am INFJ. I approach an issue from different perspectives and i am hardly dead set in my ways. It takes a while. I don't conclude by my own research, I always consult others to check more perspectives other than my own. INTJs don't really do that. Compared to my INTJ college roomies turned besties, I am definitely more organized, more social, and often more drained by others. They have had to step in to protect me from myself several times --- and by this they built walls around me for me so that others couldn't "use" me. I was that college classmate whose notes get lent to everyone and miss out on my own studying but I didn't mind. They were often forced into social situations because I could never decline others and they couldn't resist me. Haha. i was often scolded by them because "i gave too much fuck". And by that, yes I am definitely an E2 although I am significantly pressing on my boundaries enough to type me an E1 --- but I think this is also a product of my experiences and my corresponding coping mechanisms.

My visions are also far more encompassing, society-driven, service-oriented, and far more forward looking. My INTJ friends have elaborate worlds and thoughts and plans but these are often inward looking or centric to themselves. I am not like this. My self is almost never in the equation and I am often told to be better at putting myself first, which I always massively fail at.

I can't do something if it's only for my gain alone. For a while yes, but I have to convince myself that it's for a greater advocacy and then it would be worth it. I was once afraid of the thought of marriage precisely because I felt I was being too selfish. That I havent given back yet, first to my alma mater and now to my nation. So yes. I think I'm very INFJ. A bit more on the anal spectrum but INFJ nonetheless.

This sounds so INFJ to me that I almost accept that you are. Please don't get me wrong when I say that like my opinion should matter :nomouth: because I don't actually know what I'm talking about (I forget to take responsibility for that sometimes) and I'm not qualified nor skilled enough to type anyone - not even myself - which is my most trusted reference ... So ... :sweatsmile:

I feel like the social representation of the INTJ type is perhaps the most unfair of all the types. They are just as, or even more altruistic than INFJs. I think it's easier for an INFJ to justify that what they're doing is beneficial to all of man kind somehow, than it is for INTJs. Both are highly (equally?) motivated by the greater good for everyone, but the INTJ is the one of the two that is actually working their butts off to make positive/necessary change actually happen. At the same time, they are often the ones doing everything that others don't bother or know how to do. They are often the ones to take the weakest under their wings. They are often the ones that are prepared to save the day (or the world (or the universe)). They are often the ones that are willing to take the emotional hailstorm of merciless soul stabbing criticism for what they believe is right or must be done. All this at their own expense. I think that they need to be slaves to the strategy they've chosen if they're going to have a snowball's chance in Hell of making their visions become reality. Now this can also be the case for the INFJ, of course... :flushed:
I read the thread about the art of war MBTI. Me and my gut says INTJ. :blush: I think the socionics are right about the seventh function being the blindspot, because these strategies/mindsets scare the living shit out of me :tearsofjoy:
I read the thread about the art of war MBTI. Me and my gut says INTJ. :blush: I think the socionics are right about the seventh function being the blindspot, because these strategies/mindsets scare the living shit out of me :tearsofjoy:
Omg :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

I'm nice in real life, I promise. Nobody really knows I think this way, save for some few individuals I work with. LOL I feel a strong need to apologize. I'm sorry for scaring you!
I think the socionics are right about the seventh function being the blindspot

I’m pretty comfortable with Te and as I grow older I engage that function more and more, in a way that I find rewarding. What about you yourself? Your Te seems just fine to me.

Deleted member 16771’s blind spot should be Fe, yet he’s shown numerous times that he can Fe just fine (whenever he’s not hating the function :D )

This “blind spot” and PoLR stuff always struck me as the worst typology theories have to offer. This is where they get dangerously close to astrology imo.
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