Type Poetic Justice

If you frequently test as an Fi/Te type, why do you relate to the INTPs? If it's because of the Ne use, that should narrow things down.

I don't understand all this Te Fi stuff so can't answer that.

DJ, i think a suitable punishment for chaz would be to change his avatar to a picture of Freddie mercury from that video where he's Hoovering whilst dressed as a woman and change his user title to "i just gotta be me"
I don't understand all this Te Fi stuff so can't answer that.

But that's where your type confusion is coming from. It's not about P vs. J. It's about Fi vs. Fe, Ti. vs. Te., etc.

Extraverted Sensing: Experiencing the immediate context; taking action in the physical world; noticing changes and opportunities for action; accumulating experiences; scanning for visible reactions and relevant data; recognizing “what is.” Noticing what was available, trying on different items, and seeing how they look.

Introverted Sensing: Reviewing past experiences; “what is” evoking “what was”; seeking detailed information and links to what is known; recalling stored impressions; accumulating data; recognizing the way things have always been. Remembering the last time you wore a particular item or the last time you were at a similar event—maybe even remembering how you felt then.

Extraverted iNtuiting: Interpreting situations and relationships; picking up meanings and interconnections; being drawn to change “what is” for “what could possibly be”; noticing what is not said and threads of meaning emerging across multiple contexts. Noticing the possible meanings of what you might wear: “Wearing this might communicate…”

Introverted iNtuiting: Foreseeing implications and likely effects without external data; realizing “what will be”; conceptualizing new ways of seeing things; envisioning transformations; getting an image of profound meaning or far-reaching symbols. Envisioning yourself in an outfit or maybe envisioning yourself being a certain way.

Extraverted Thinking: Segmenting; organizing for efficiency; systematizing; applying logic; structuring; checking for consequences; monitoring for standards or specifications being met; setting boundaries, guidelines, and parameters; deciding if something is working or not. Sorting out different colors and styles; thinking about the consequences, as in “Since I have to stand all day…

Introverted Thinking: Analyzing; categorizing; evaluating according to principles and whether something fits the framework or model; figuring out the principles on which something works; checking for inconsistencies; clarifying definitions to get more precision. Analyzing your options using principles like comfort or “Red is a power color.”

Extraverted Feeling : Connecting; considering others and the group—organizing to meet their needs and honor their values and feelings; maintaining societal, organizational, or group values; adjusting to and accommodating others; deciding if something is appropriate or acceptable to others. Considering what would be appropriate for the situation: “One should or shouldn’t wear…” or “People will think…”

Introverted Feeling: Valuing; considering importance and worth; reviewing for incongruity; evaluating something based on the truths on which it is based; clarifying values to achieve accord; deciding if something is of significance and worth standing up for. Evaluating whether you like an outfit or not: “This outfit suits me and feels right.”

Which of these do you identify with most strongly?
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Se - somewhat
Si - not at all
Ne - yes
Ni - yes. Slightly more than Ne
Te - yes
Ti - yes slightly more than Te
Fe - somewhat
Fi - very much so
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There is no Fe on that list and Te twice. Should one of them be Fe?

The second "extraverted thinking" label was the website's error ... the description is for extraverted feeling. I just fixed it.

Leaving those for now, i would say

Se - somewhat
Si - not at all
Ne - yes
Ni - yes. Slightly more than Ne
So far, you're either xNxJ or xSxP.

Te - yes
Ti - yes slightly more than Te
Fe - somewhat
Fi - very much so

You responded to Fi more than anything else. Do you think that's your dominant function?
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Based on those description i think so
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PoeticJustice, does this sound like you at all? It's an ISFP description in first-person.

Probably I
Holy crap. There's not one single word or sentence in that that isn't me to a t.

The problem is that there are other description that i think that of.

Every word of that is probably a defining characteristic of mine though.

I have never tested as an s though. N is always my highest score
Holy crap. There's not one single word or sentence in that that isn't me to a t.

The problem is that there are other description that i think that of.

Every word of that is probably a defining characteristic of mine though.

I have never tested as an s though. N is always my highest score

Test results are frequently bullshit. If it resonates with you, it's probably true.

And ISFPs are mind-blowingly awesome. :m168:

Also ... this:
The problem is that there are other description that i think that of.

Just sounds like this:
I don’t want to commit to any particular way to be. I want to be able to be a lot of ways. In my mind, I am peacefully assimilating myself to a lot of different situations, flowing easily between them all.
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Blink and think you are my new deity. What day of the week do you like to be prayed to on?
Yes I must say that exerpt has thrown my world around too.

Want to start our own ISFP forum?

But then we'll lose all of the amazing ISFPs. :m033: I'll have to pack a bag and stalk all of you ... take the forum on the road and make it a tour. That will make my stalking antics more expensive and mad-cap.

Blink and think you are my new deity. What day of the week do you like to be prayed to on?

This is how you can open each show. :m096:
Yes I must say that exerpt has thrown my world around too.

Want to start our own ISFP forum?

That sounds like a plan

Is there enough of us on the internet though?
Chaz i can't believe what you just changed your avatar to. WHen i was coming up the Freddie mercury gag i toyed with idea of it being a my little pony doll. WTF