OK, I did the cat temperament quiz on both my cats
Female Grey Tabby
A quiet, easy-going, affectionate companion, the CSPQ cat can often attain beloved status. She can make you feel special. Don't assume that she has been abused, she is just cautious. Unlike her bold counterpart, this cautious cat builds her relationships slowly and is quite particular about whom she showers her affection upon. A skilled observer of body language, she has an uncanny ability for recognizing those individuals in whom she can safely place her trust. She will surprise you by warming up quickly to some people and never becoming comfortable with others. Trust her judgement. When you bring home a date and your CSPQ cat comes out of her safe zone, approaches, and invites attention, this is an individual with whom you may want to consider a long term relationship.
As a kitten the CSPQ cat may escape your notice. Her attractive qualities require the confidence of familiarity to be revealed. Observing the litter in an environment in which they are comfortable will help you to pick out this gem of a cat. A social cat, she tends to do well in a multi cat group as long as her social tendencies are shared by at least one other member of the group.
The CSPQ is not an adventurous cat. She likes her home territory. Face rubbing and bunting are common behaviors. She will probably be most content living in a quiet stable home. She can be a snuggly cat, enjoying physical contact with her familiar companions. She has little yearning for the great outdoors. She may be easily overlooked in a busy household. Inexperienced or casual cat owners may never realize what a wonderful cat shares their home. A quiet, sensitive child may discover her capacity for affection and form a deep and lasting bond. Such a relationship deserves your respect. This is not a "disposable" easily replaced pet.
The CSPQ is not a party animal. Your friends may never get more than a glimpse of her unless they visit often, and one at a time. Even though she is a compliant cat, if startled and she knows there is a safe place to hide she may panic and struggle to escape if you try to hold on to her. The CSPQ cat tends to be well behaved in a veterinary exam room. Though often frightened, she is unsure just what to do. So, as long as she is handled gently, she will not tend to struggle. Being quiet she rarely voices her insecurity.
Affectionate, undemanding, easy to work with what more could you ask for?
Male Orange Tabby
BADQ (Bold Aloof Defiant Quiet)
This is a cat with whom it may be dificult to form a close bond. A confident independent cat he will not be particularly affectionate. As long as he gets his own way he will probably be easy enough to live with, but if you cross him he is quick to set you straight. Being defiant in nature he prefers to be in control, and in the case of a conflict of interest he is likely to actively resist rather than go along. Because he communicates in the more subtle language of posture, gesture, and expression, a friendly human advance, ignoring what to him are clear warnings, may be greeted with a sharp claw or tooth. He might try to avoid contact, but being a bold cat he is more likely to stand his ground than he is to slip away quietly. The BADQ cat is less likely than his vocal counterpart to voice his displeasure, but more likely to give you a swat.
The BADQ would not be an obviously unattractive kitten. Being bold, he would not run when approached, being quiet, he would not discourage attention in an obvious manner. Normal kitten curiosity and playful energy would make this his most approachable time of life. You might detect a bit of defiance when you pick him up and he struggles to get away. Or if you watch him interact with his littermates, you may notice that he tends to wander away from the group or invents his own solitary games. However, when he becomes an adult, a first time cat owner who has the misfortune of acquiring a kitten of this temperament type, may decide that cats are everything their detractors claim of them, independent, unpredictable, and interested only in what service a person can provide for them.
The BADQ may be a brooding presence when confined as an indoor cat. His bold nature will make him want to explore and conquer new territory. The limits of the indoor environment may be frustrating for him, and your friendly advances may be annoying. His need for attention and companionship being minimal, he would rather be off on an adventure than home with you. Sharing a confined space with other cats dogs and kids may be more than he can stand. Inappropriate elimination, aggression towards cats or people , or other outward manifestations of inner turmoil may result.
Still, like his vocal counterpart, these BAD cats can become admirable respected companions. The establishment of a good relationship requires mutual respect, time, and good communication skills. Appreciation of subtle feline sign language is especially important with the BADQ. He is not a cat you want to push beyond his limited tolerance for contact. The BADQ is not a lap cat, but he can be an attractive, intelligent, low maintanence member of the household. He just "needs his space"