Ouch. Okay, baaack on course, folks. No more name calling.
Ni is introverted, Ne is not.
I can give an example of how I clashed with an Ne dom, who happened to be my boss, but I don't know if it'll explain things any better.
My boss, "Ron" (not his real name but it's Ron for the sake of argument) would tell me the "rules" of the job. He'd say to do this, and make sure you're on top of that, because it's important. Well, I took what he said at face value and did exactly what he told me.
But then, he started going out of the boundaries of his own rules, and stretched it to the farthest reaches of the line. There were hidden rules in my job, and he'd discovered how far he could take it without getting in trouble. He played the, "what about x" game and knew where those boundaries were.
Now me, I didn't know what those boundaries were because he never told me what they were. I'd discover them accidentally when I watched him do what he wanted to within the letter of the law (without technically breaking the law). And he could manipulate and maneuver those laws on a dime.
Me, I can't move that fast. While I was figuring out why he broke the rules that he told *me* not to break (we were considered equals in this position), I tried keeping to the rules. And he called me stuffy. Told me to loosen up a bit; to get comfortable around others. Meanwhile, all this time, I'm internalizing all that he was like by watching what he did, and how he did it. And much later in the term, I surprised him by giving him insight about how he ran things - and he was astonished and a bit uncomfortable by my assessment.
But on the same token when we had a disagreement about how I handled one of our employees, he thought I was too harsh -
because I was going by the rules he set. So I ended up looking like the bad guy because I wasn't willing to explore the boundaries. But I tell you what; when I took his advice and tried exploring the boundaries his way I would crash and burn. Miserably and spectacularly.
So, I don't know if that shows the difference between Ne and Ni. It may be more J and P, or a little of everything. But that's an example I can give.
Lol. Sorry, different group.
Typing on expression...yes. I think it's possible, but you can't use it as the only guide.