Typing House MD (Fox TV Show)


So, how would you type House MD? He is someone who seems classically Fi vs. Fe. He struggles with Fe immensely. And his Ti is likely off the charts. So, how would you type him? But he picks things up pretty quickly, so he seems to have a high Ni.

I'd guess i'd type him as INTJ? But i could be wrong.

So, how would you type House MD? He is someone who seems classically Fi vs. Fe. He struggles with Fe immensely. And his Ti is likely off the charts. So, how would you type him? But he picks things up pretty quickly, so he seems to have a high Ni.

I'd guess i'd type him as INTJ? But i could be wrong.


I haven't watched in a while but all of his epiphanies seem Ne ish to an extent. How exactly does he struggle with his Fe? I know that House needs people to bounce his ideas off of, challenge him, and what not but I don't think he earnestly feels for everybody to an extreme. I always saw house as a XNTP. Just slightly less p-ish.
Everybody types him INTJ, I type him ENTJ. He gets his energy from being the center of attention and leading the pack all the time. Even though he claims to hate people, he can't stand to be away from people for too long - he needs to poke them, it's his addiction. Forman is INTJ, they are more patient, fair, respectful.

I dislike the series, because House is not a realistic character. He's an ENTJ jackass, whose screenplay writers equipped with the knowledge of INTJ. But it doesn't work that way in reality. He should make many more mistakes all the time; he already does a lot, though.

In addition, the actor is ISFP, playing his own shadow, which also makes him too cute, compared with how it is usually.

13 is INFJ, Taub is ISFJ, Cuddy is ESFP, Wilson is INFP, Cameron is ISTJ, Chase is ISFP.

The writers/producers of the story think like INTP/ESFJ, and I'm a little bored with their ways of thinking about social groups already (get Death Note as one example). They induce their own biases into the biases of their characters, which are a little different actually. Meaning, their characters like/dislike not the things they do, but the things the writers assume they do. As all writers, here also the main hero ENTJ is a bit too perfect and impossible conglomerate of everything they would personally like in a man. (INFJ writers do that with ENFP characters.) They try to counter-balance with his weaknesses, but are not very convincing.
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ENTJ. No contest.

I think i'd agree with this. I think pegging him as I v. E is still tricky.

Also, mods and admins can add this thread with the previous one House/Wilson. When i searched the forum for a thread on this topic, it didn't show. So, Wyote posted the link. So feel free to merge it with the previous thread. Thx.
House is so unrealistic. IRL he'd be fired a lot faster than he could limp out the door. He'd be a terrible liability. No hospital could afford to put up with him. I would guess he's an INTP, like me.
Apparently House is a modern, medical reconfiguration of Sherlock Holmes. There are many parallels between the two characters.
My first thought is INTJ but it's hard to really say. My friends and I mostly just say this because we have an INTJ friend that reminds us so much of House.
So, how would you type House MD? He is someone who seems classically Fi vs. Fe. He struggles with Fe immensely. And his Ti is likely off the charts. So, how would you type him? But he picks things up pretty quickly, so he seems to have a high Ni.

I'd guess i'd type him as INTJ? But i could be wrong.

He is most definitely INTJ
House is so unrealistic. IRL he'd be fired a lot faster than he could limp out the door. He'd be a terrible liability. No hospital could afford to put up with him. I would guess he's an INTP, like me.
Apparently he makes them more money than the hospital loses. Most TV shows are unrealistic in some ways.
Yeah, he's definitely a misanthropic ENTJ. Being a misanthrope and an E produces precisely the conflict that House exhibits when it looks like a Fi v Fe problem.
House MD TV show is superb show I have ever seen. Its wonderful show with great storyline. I just love to watch this show online.
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Assuming he isn't merely a badly written character... Maybe an INTJ gone bad, but with INFJ eyes? :m197:
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House is so unrealistic. IRL he'd be fired a lot faster than he could limp out the door. He'd be a terrible liability. No hospital could afford to put up with him. I would guess he's an INTP, like me.
I would say INTP as well.
I'm betting what appears like Ni is Ne.. he draws seemingly outlandish connections, but it's all based on previous medical knowlege.

He's definitely an introvert as well.