- Enneagram
- 9 Mediator
I don't think they're extraterrestrial. I think they're hidden life forms on this planet that got sick of being here and are leaving, and some times you see them because they're confused about where to go for a moment.
Because seriously who the fuck wants to visit here.
Hahahaha..... really! I totally agree!
Truly the whole story is one to boggle the mind and the imagination....but Earth is the biggest game in town (the Galaxy) right now. We have made such a huge mess of everything.... what with our nuclear wars and capability of destroying the planet... the rest of the Galaxy went to God and said...."Uhhh Dude....you gotta do something about those humans on Earth down there at the edge of the Galaxy. What they're doing over there is affecting - or has the potential to affect - all of us."
Keep in mind we're all connected. All of Everything. That includes the Solar System, the Galaxy, and the Universe.
If you want to see some small proof - do some research on how the Sun's CME's affect the Earth and then how the Earth's electromagnetic field affects the human electromagnetic fields and how each of our fields affect each other. Everything in the Universe is connected via the creator source energy.
So the Galactics (ET's) are watching us and interacting with us to shift our way of thinking from a Fear based paradigm to one of NON Fear. Back in the late 1930's they sent emissaries to meet with governments and offered technologies to help humans live easier lives. Instead....the governments used the technologies to make war on each other and other heinous acts.
I know...I know....it all sounds ludicrous and preposterous. Yet Disclosure is happening this year. By the end of 2015 the majority of educated people on this planet will know without a doubt other races exist out there amongst the stars and they have been here and are now up in their starships circling the globe watching the level of awareness rise amongst the masses.