
I didn't want to make my own thread but since there's lot of talking about Russia in this thread, Finnish news posted this photo:


Some Russian chocolate's package and it shows the areas which Russia wants (?), lol. o.o

From the news, it's translated: ''Russia's map of 2015''

It seems like a joke though. xD
They're forcing the hands of the russians

Its not just the military bases russia is worried about or the gas pipelines that would come under EU control it is also the territorial encroachment of NATO

Think about it...if you were russia would you want NATO ICBM's right on your doorstep?

This was what started the cuban missile crisis: the US moved missiles into turkey which put them on russias doorstep so the russians responded by putting missiles onto cuba on the doorstep if the US; the US didn't like that, got stroppy and both sides agreed to withdraw their missiles

NATO is not only edging closer in Ukraine but is also working to destroy syria so that they can then isolate lebanon and then iran and continue their encirclement of russia

If you have missiles right next to your enemies then you can hit them before they can respond so no one wants missiles on their doorstep

So the russians are being left with little choice but to maintain some territory as a buffer and to protect the russian ukrianians as well

As for the western Ukraine they are making a big mistake in running to the EU. The IMF will get them into debt which they can't pay. They will then default on the loan and the IMF will asset strip the country. The Ukrainians will find their country sold out beneath them like greece, ireland and spain......this will then cause a large exodus of ukrainians who have been left unemployed who will have to move to other countries to try to find work

Putin had offered them a good deal financially and they have just jumped off an economic cliff

Well yes, muir from the past, the figures are now in.....the Ukrainian economy is down 20%....20%!!!!!

Thats a fifth....A FIFTH!!!! since you made this accurate prediction near the start of the 2014

You were also right about the shootdown of the passenger and experts are all pointing to a ukrainian jet as being the culprit
Russians are spying on people through their webcams now.

Those guys are the villainist.

[h=1]Malaysia Airlines Flight 17: Russian Report Says Military Aircraft Shot MH17 Down[/h] [h=2][/h] By Jack Phillips, Epoch Times | October 23, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, the jetliner that was reportedly shot down in Ukraine in July, was actually shot down by a military aircraft, according to a report from state-run Russian broadcaster Russia Today.
It’s been mostly reported in the West that Russian-backed Ukrainian separatists shot down the plane with a surface-to-air missile.
RT, in a documentary, says that “eye-witness interviews and expert opinion” suggests it was shot by a military aircraft.
“The film attempts to establish what might have brought down the ill-fated airliner and all 298 people aboard,” RT’s website said, according to the National Post.

The trailer, posted on YouTube this week, has “witnesses” who are claiming that they saw a second aircraft that may have shot the plane down. “New witness testimony, radio links, site access as team seeks to establish what happened to MH17. Locals speak of a horror and shock. Some of a second plane; experts of 30mm cannon bulletholes. Will the truth of MH17 ever be revealed?” it says.
“I lifted my head and saw a small military aircraft in the sky. So I’m 100% sure there was a second aircraft,” said one man. Added another man: “Aircraft MH-17 was crippled by an air-to-air missile, and as it descended, it was finished off by cannon fire.”
The theory has been promoted on Russian propaganda channels.
Meanwhile, reports this week say Germany has said Ukraine rebels shot the plane down with seized missiles.
Germany’s BND foreign spy agency chief, Gerhard Schindler, said that gathered intelligence indicates the rebels captured a BUK missile system and fired a missile that exploded next to the plane, according to the AFP news agency.
The plane, heading from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed on July 17 with 298 people on board.
Andrei Purgin, deputy prime minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, said the claims by Germany are unfounded.
“These accusations against us are without any basis,” he said, and added that the missiles “only be fired by well-trained experts.”
“The former miners who are today defending their country do not have the expertise to operate such a sophisticated system,” he added.

Mig fighter jets and long range bombers moved to airport in Crimea by Russia, adding to the ones they kept during takeover.
The US escalation of the cold war

[h=1]US Sending Troops to Poland Amid Tensions Over Russia[/h]
Saturday, 19 Apr 2014 01:44 PM
By Sandy Fitzgerald

The Obama administration is sending ground troops to Poland in response to Russia's moves in Ukraine, Poland’s defense minister, Tomasz Siemoniak, tells The Washington Post.

The move, he said, was agreed to as part of an expansion of the NATO presence in the region.

The New York Times, meanwhile, said the troops would participate in small exercises in Estonia as well as Poland.

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The Poland exercise, which is to be announced next week, involves one U.S. Army company — about 150 soldiers — and would last about two weeks. The Estonia exercise is similar, said a Western official who declined to be identified, the Times reports.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said during a joint news conference with Siemoniak Thursday that there is "an entire range of possibilities and measures that are being considered. "Rotational basis of training and exercises are always part of that.”

The Army exercise is far short of what Poland Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski suggested earlier this month, when he said he wants NATO to deploy two combat brigades with as many as 5,000 troops.

NATO’s top military commander, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, gave alliance members several options for strengthening its position earlier this month.

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"Essentially what we are looking at is a package of land, air and maritime measures that would build assurance for our easternmost allies," Breedlove said.

Meanwhile, the United States has sent 12 F-16 fighter jets and 200 support personnel to Poland, and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the alliance plans more air patrols and ships for the Baltic region.

Rasmussen said there is a possibility for even more deployments in upcoming weeks. In addition, NATO officials say that several member nations, along with the United States, are offering to provide ground troops to Eastern European members throughout the end of the year.

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Awesome picture just had to share.
