UN climate report mirrors 1970's "limits to growth" predictions


Capitalist pig
First; I don't want to dilute this thread to simply reading an article because typically there is a lot of spin and I don't think that's fair. I want to link some sources where you can view the info yourself and come to your own conclusions.

"The limits to growth" was a study/paper/book published originally in 1972 by a group called The club of Rome which is defined by Wikipedia as "Club of Rome was founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy. It consists of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe".

I was stunned to hear about this report recently because it seems important and you would think it would be mentioned in schools, at the very least environmental college level classes but my I never encountered it.

You can access this report via the audiobook on YouTube here:

Or a free pdf by simply googling it. The report has been updated every 10 years but the first report published remains stunningly accurate.

You can download the latest UN report here for free: https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/reports

I would highly recommend giving both a look over at the least.

The main purpose of the book limits to growth was that-- to think about ways that globally humanity will be limited in growing and hence would result in societal stagnation and collapse.

Collapse does not have to be dramatic. It can mean simply that certain parts of the world experience extreme hardship and that there be shortages in developed nations which we already see evidence of as a result of the pandemic. In a sense the pandemic simulated what hardships we might experience in the future. The date that's being given for the worst impact is 2040.

Human-Perspectives-The-majority-of-the-worlds-people-are-concerned-with-matters-that_Q640.jpgthis graph is from the report and I really enjoy it to sort of set up a discussion. It is a representation of the types of hardships and conflicts humans encounter and gives a scale in terms of how and the time span.

I haven't gone through the UN report fully yet, so I'll hold off on discussing that. I don't have questions about this as much as I wanted to know if anybody else had read these documents and what their reflections were. I found them really insightful and hope you will too.
The worst and saddest part is that we got a civilization that only really exists at this point to serve the elites so as the collapse takes hold what resources remaining will be spent to people like Elon and Bezos can go to Mars ect while Earth's biosphere kicks the bucket. In the end though nature will have the last laugh be it some solar or cosmic event like a gamma ray burst so anything with in light years wide corridor gets fried. As for hour life times many of us here were born to late to have really enjoyed life while the older generations have had so many opportunities that we'll never have while having to hold the bag.
I just read an interesting article/set of facts (no, there is no URL an internet search will provide the verification).
It takes 21 BILLION gallons of fuel to "make" (mine/refine etc.) the Lithium and such for 250,000 electric car batteries none of which is recyclable and have a lifespan of 10 years. The forecast by 2050 is that there will be 50 million pounds of electric car batteries headed to the landfill. Yes, mankind is trying to change and virtually everything he does is make matters worse. Has anyone checked out the massive holes in the ground that get created mining lithium?
The hypocrisy of the elite is painful when the vast majority of us are no where near close to as polluting as these rich shitheads. How many lifetimes would it take for the average person to equal that of one head of state or celebrity who flies everywhere around the world in private jets. As for Biden did he really Need to ride around Rome in an 85 car motorcade...

I truly truly appreciate the non sense that gets posted on this list! I find it amusing and spend an hour or so researching it (which 98% of the people on here are too lazy to do). It has been INCREDIBLY enlightening INCREDIBLE!

If one wants to believe in global warming by all means go for it. The one minor glitch (among many) is that not one green effort, wind turbines, electric cars, gasohol, photo voltaic are actually green. Never have been and never will be.

Further (and the left won't see this either) is the the global warming nonsense is based on research posted in the early 70's by Milanovitch. Who created the Miankovitch Cycle which forecasted the rise in temperature we've seen, AND the cooling to come. As per usual it is all a charade.
I truly truly appreciate the non sense that gets posted on this list! I find it amusing and spend an hour or so researching it (which 98% of the people on here are too lazy to do). It has been INCREDIBLY enlightening INCREDIBLE!

If one wants to believe in global warming by all means go for it. The one minor glitch (among many) is that not one green effort, wind turbines, electric cars, gasohol, photo voltaic are actually green. Never have been and never will be.

Further (and the left won't see this either) is the the global warming nonsense is based on research posted in the early 70's by Milanovitch. Who created the Miankovitch Cycle which forecasted the rise in temperature we've seen, AND the cooling to come. As per usual it is all a charade.
This thread isn't specifically about global warming, just to clarify. The main thing is actually resource depletion and how that will eventually result in the end of growth and the collapse of human society. Which, I don't think you or anybody can really argue with that, given we don't have renewable resources. We can argue about when we will run out of resources but it's not a "if" question