- infj
I guess you missed the part where I stated that he can tell you all about each one...each coin, year, stone/crystal - why you shitting on my post?
- I am not 'shitting on your post'. I am expressing my disagreement towards parts of your post. Sometimes I have a hard time being diplomatic and other times I come of as rude unintentionally. There are, of course, those times where I don't give a damn about diplomacy or not being rude. This was none of those cases. Chill a bit, I simply expressed my opinion. You don't agree with me and I don't agree with you. Let's move on from there, shall we ?
- My point is not that your nephew does not have a unique type of intelligence or that he is not intelligent. My point was that having hobbies and following them is not necessarily a sign of intelligence. Take your average kid with a strong passion for ... let's say ice creams. Maybe he will just eat lot's of ice creams (can we be friends
) or maybe he will go beyond that, learning everything there is to know about the history, types, curious facts, methods of preparation etc of ice - creams. That fact alone does not make him intelligent. It only makes him very committed to something, and very curious about it. I don't think curiosity is a certain sign of intelligence, though there might be some connection. Neither is memorizing and recalling things.
PS: One question, out of curiosity. Did you take my comment as an 'attack' towards your nephew or your opinion?