US school bars lesbians' kids


''DENVER (Colorado) - THE Catholic Church in Denver, Colorado has barred two children from enrolling in an area Catholic grade school because their parents are lesbians.
The church has actively campaigned against gay marriage, as it teaches that a valid marriage is only between a man and a woman.''

Do you believe this was a fair decision?

Seems to me this once again shows another example of discrimination against the GLBT community. I find it ludicrous that 2 girls will be denied entrance in a public school simply because of the sexual orientation of their parents? Do you think the catholic church is now going to far with this radical decisions?..
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I think it was a private school. That's fine/legal. Stupid, but okay.

If it were a public school, that'd be completely illegal.
The fact of the matter is, it's a cathloic private school, and as such they can base enrollment criterion off of what ever they want. I do not agree with their decision at all, but I don't see them as doing anything wrong by upholding what they believe in their institution.

If a religious group wants to restrict who they allow into their group, they have a right do it. This isn't going out of the way to attack or harm anyone, and as such isn't illegal in my eyes.
Yes, but the child really has no fault for being under the care of a lesbian couple. The child is being denied enrollment based on her parents sexuality. The child should be subjected to the same opportunities as any other kid. So now not only will the gay community be denied by the catholic church but those under their care and love as well?? I find that to be ludicrous.
But that's the thing about priavte schools...they can pick who they do and don't let in. It's sad to see them judge parents are criteria, but it's legal.
Yes, but the child really has no fault for being under the care of a lesbian couple. The child is being denied enrollment based on her parents sexuality. The child should be subjected to the same opportunities as any other kid. So now not only will the gay community be denied by the catholic church but those under their care and love as well?? I find that to be ludicrous.

I do to find it to be totally unfair. But we can't ignore the fact that it is a private insitution, and they can bar anyone they want from entering. The parents and children should not be upset over this. They have a right to be surprised as this is quite an extention, but at the very least the decision and rational behind it is easily understood.
In the US, can I have some group based on any human (superficial) pattern, like race? For example, "this club is only for white people"? Suppose the members subscribe to some religion, that says only white people are the real people, everything else is cattle. Since there's so much respect for all (the crap) that people believe, then this should be okay to do. you think the catholic church is now going to far with this radical decisions?..

The catholic church had a black list (Index Librorum Prohibitorum), consisting of books which their followers weren't allowed to read.
There was a book on it, which condemned torture and praised fair trial.
A book which is still inspirational today.

So I believe that no religion should have any influence on how institutions like schools are runned.
They have been abusing their power for so long, it's time to end it.

I think we need a new age of Enlightenment. Who's with me?

I understand the logic but find it misguided. Simply put they are folowing the that those who openly refuse to repent of their sins are to be removed from the church, however they're basing this on the parents sins and not the childs which is where I believe they've strayed.
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I understand the logic but find it misguided. Simply put they are folowing the that those who openly refuse to repent of their sins are to be removed from the church, however they're basing this on the parents sins and not the childs which is where I believe they've strayed.

I hope they'll burn in hell.
I mean, being lesbian is a choice after all, and if you make that choice, you are turning your back to god.
In the US, can I have some group based on any human (superficial) pattern, like race? For example, "this club is only for white people"? Suppose the members subscribe to some religion, that says only white people are the real people, everything else is cattle. Since there's so much respect for all (the crap) that people believe, then this should be okay to do.
In the US, yes, that is 100% legal. The specific club you described is called the KKK, and is very much alive (and despised) today. The restrictions are on hurting people, so you're allowed to believe people are cattle and proclaim it, so long as you don't act on it.
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Thank you. That means you can expand territory, within which only white people can live and exchange etc. The same for any other chosen superficial pattern. Interesting..
not really. there are laws in place for equal housing opportunity and such. FI you mean that a group can by a plot of land and then use that land for only certain people to live, yup, that can and does happen.
Racism and whatnot would be there regardless of the existence of the KKK. They are just as entitled to their beliefs/protests/etc. as any other group as long as they are within legal boundaries. That's what the first ammendment is for.
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I hope they'll burn in hell.
I mean, being lesbian is a choice after all, and if you make that choice, you are turning your back to god.

way to simplified, the choice is not over whether or not your attracted to this or that individual but what you do based on your attraction.

also hell fire is a bit of false imagery, the closest we get to that idea is of the trash heaps of ghenna.
way to simplified, the choice is not over whether or not your attracted to this or that individual but what you do based on your attraction.

also hell fire is a bit of false imagery, the closest we get to that idea is of the trash heaps of ghenna.

So you believe that gay people should surpress their feelings?
Racism and whatnot would be there regardless of the existence of the KKK.
It happens out of thin air? People are born racist? Or anti- any other human pattern?

That means one could start gathering territory within which people believe in illiteracy, and basically live under the control of someone, and then their children are taught that way, and they teach their children, and the illiteracy is kept sacred within the circle. Wait, that's what happens in the ghettos.
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