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It's just the cycle of life. Eventually the American empire will implode and be replaced with some other government.
But what kind?

Some people say, if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear....
It's just the cycle of life. Eventually the American empire will implode and be replaced with some other government.
America the...police state?
Obama needs to veto this like, right now.
Why is this not all over the radio and on the front page of every newspaper?
What would you do to change things if you were an American citizen?
Well I am glad this thread is getting the discussion it deserves.. after almost a year..
Again, how often did you hear anything about this in the news over the past year?
This past May, the Federal Court banned the NDAA provision to indefinitely detain citizens, as it is a threat to First Amendment and Fifth Amendment rights.
Do you think that will be the end of it? Nope. Now that decision is under appeal.
LOOK, FREEDOM is for ATHEIST COMMUNIST PEDOPHILE HOMOSEXUALS ok?! REAL Americans want to KILL and TORTURE TERRISTS! IF you dont agree you are clearly NOT a REAL American. OK!? GOD will punish you with eternal HELLFIRE if you disagree with my post!
Quit trollin me billy!!
haha, if I was black I would say that was true!That's not makeup in his picture. That's what you get for asking an officer what the problem is! ;P
What would you do to change things if you were an American citizen?
The answer is simple people. We simply sit back and wait for China to bomb their asses back to the stone age
Would The South then rise again because they were less dependant on fancy doowackies and whatchumajiggers?
I say definitely.
Plus they have all the guns and many already live in post-apocalyptic environments.