Variable Hybrid
- NFJedi
I've noticed that a lot of us use parallax as a point of reference in deciding our type or the type of others. For example, "This person is more extroverted than me, therefore I must be an introvert," or "That person has stronger Fe than me, therefore he must not be an ESTP."
This creates a logical fallacy because it presumes that inclusion of two similar but different states cannot exist in the same group. The assumption that if one person is more introverted than another, that person cannot be in an extroverted group creates a situation where that person becomes the measuring point by which the line between introversion and extroversion is measured. Unless that person literally does represent the 'line', doing this moves the dividing point between introvert and extrovert to a point that is not accurate.
As a visual example...
What colors do you see in this box?
View attachment 5078
Blue on top and purple on the bottom?
What colors do you see in this box?
View attachment 5080
Blue on top and purple on the bottom?
Now compare the bottom color in the top box and the top color in the bottom box. The top box's color looks more blue than the bottom one's? Interestingly enough, both of these colors are the same. Even when next to one another they look different because of the association with the colors besides them.
This creates a logical fallacy because it presumes that inclusion of two similar but different states cannot exist in the same group. The assumption that if one person is more introverted than another, that person cannot be in an extroverted group creates a situation where that person becomes the measuring point by which the line between introversion and extroversion is measured. Unless that person literally does represent the 'line', doing this moves the dividing point between introvert and extrovert to a point that is not accurate.
As a visual example...
What colors do you see in this box?
View attachment 5078
Blue on top and purple on the bottom?
What colors do you see in this box?
View attachment 5080
Blue on top and purple on the bottom?
Now compare the bottom color in the top box and the top color in the bottom box. The top box's color looks more blue than the bottom one's? Interestingly enough, both of these colors are the same. Even when next to one another they look different because of the association with the colors besides them.
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