Volunteer experience?

Geez...I've volunteered many places, but my favorite times were spent in Ireland helping youth centers in the Troubles areas. Northern Ireland was a wonderful experience, and I'll never forget it (I went during the time they were heavily occupied by the British military, in the early/mid 90s). I'd go back.

I think to have a volunteer experience you can continue, you should have an interest in the population or group. Like, you can volunteer with animal shelters if you love animals, or help out at group homes if you have the patience and the skills. I like going overseas because I enjoy learning about different cultures, so that fits me.
I'd love to volunteer somewhere else! I'm not so sure I'd like to do it through the government though, so I'm at a loss as to how to go about it.
I'd like to do some National Geographic-esque stuff...do photography and film to help increase awareness of environmental change and suffering, and how it connects back to humanity as a whole...and help increase awareness for cultures too, so we can properly help in ways that wouldn't be harmful to existing cultures....
I'd like to do some National Geographic-esque stuff...do photography and film to help increase awareness of environmental change and suffering, and how it connects back to humanity as a whole...and help increase awareness for cultures too, so we can properly help in ways that wouldn't be harmful to existing cultures....

This is the path that I am refering to as well. Global awareness is important by means of environment, culture and such as there is no such thing as independence. There is unity, one earth, each economy impacting the other etc. It is a chain. Lets save the world together gloomy ^^
I'm looking forward to it! ^^
When I was in high school I was a volunteer librarian, peer mediator and a house* head of Christian service (at my school, Christian service was synonymous with community service but it also included helping at religious events).

Currently, I'm a leader at a youth after-school drop-in centre, a leader at my church's youth group and a member of the technical crew. I would love to do more volunteer work though.

* At my high school everyone got designated to one "house" (there was four of them). A house is pretty much a glorified team/club.