We Can Land On A Comet But We Can't...


Town Drunkard
We Can Land On A Comet But We Can't...
.....convince the average Canadian that the moon landing was not staged.
We Can Land On A Comet But We Can't...sustain a forum that engages the niffer.

I think this forum is 99% garbage now

not that I've been helping it out a whole lot ever but.. sometimes now I just feel ashamed of that "donator" badge below my name

all the original people who invited me to this forum now are mostly mute so it's not rly your fault nbd
...convince most of humanity reality shows are less interesting or important.
...calculate the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
We Can Land On A Comet But We Can't...keep a news thread going that does not devolve into arguments over how feminazis are actually communists.
.....convince the average Canadian that the moon landing was not staged.

Eh...that's not true...only some average Canadians believe that.
We Can Land On A Comet But We Can't....get some average Canadian to play this game.
We can land on a comet but we can't figure out---- why some people have 'innies'. :D
convince the average Canadian their "bacon" is really ham. :D

I saw that in a news post and knowing there are more than a few Canadians here thought it to be funny
but we can't open the mind to see the depths unknown.
We Can Land On A Comet But We Can't... expect our Black President to play lame duck.