We Should All Simultaneously Quit Our Jobs

So only nurses/caretakers, firemen/medics, water distribution system workers, etc should keep supporting the corruption?
So only nurses/caretakers, firemen/medics, water distribution system workers, etc should keep supporting the corruption?

And any who sympathize with them. I'm predicting a violent war of conflicting interests.
Yeah i think there are various wars already waging:

There are various 'hot' wars being fought to control the worlds resources such as oil
There are currency wars being fought to protect nations currencies at the expense of other nations currencies
There are protest movements within countries fighting against corporate dominance

Clearly the same dynamic is the cause behind all of these which is a refusal to cooperate and share usually driven by small elites that want to keep power for themselves which comes at the expense of the workers who are the people who:
  • the debt created by fractional reserve banking is passed onto
  • are made to fight and die in the wars
  • made to pay austerity measures to prop up a corrupt central banking system
  • are having their freedoms curtailed by corporations that exert greater and greater influence over their lives, stifling their life experience
Unity between workers of all nations and religions against this dynamic is one approach to wrestling back control over our lives from the corporate/banking cabal that is intent on ruling the earth as its own private fiefdom with us as its serfs

Many countries are not within the control of the cabal and they seem to be unifying in new ways to challenge the cabal. The financial system of the cabal is crumbling but this will present the cabal with an opportunity to centralise their power even further for example under even more centralised banks or a new currency which they control the supply of. Such a move would inevitably be met with resistance from the workers and it is in the form of strikes, protests and occupy movements

The danger of a hot war that would escalate and draw in other countries like the situation did in Europe in the previous century is very real and might even suit the cabal who always profit from war. The US/Israel alliance are pushing Iran and that might be the flash point
[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION], thank you for shedding some light on the issues.

I hope everyone is able to open their minds and hearts to the reality we collectively face.

It truly does come down to the choice we make between Fear and Love.

Our internal struggles are made visible with the problems we face in the external world.

Fear is what truly cripples and limits us.
We only limit ourselves when we give in to fear.
The battle is first fought within.

The choice comes back to every individual.

We must all account for our own action.
Awareness is clearly growing and perceptions are evolving both on an individual level but also on a wider scale as the internet allows global communication

You can see it happening! There is a shift in public consciousness which is seeing greater levels of protest, of many different forms, around the world

Crunch time is approaching and more and more people are becoming aware of that
Simply quitting jobs isn't the answer, if we do, we forfeit all the wealth that the industrial age created for us even if it was on the backs of parents and grandparents. The best possible future as it seems to me is to project a vision of joblessness on our society.

Imagine, if enough of the wealthy had a stated goal wherein they were going to create a society that ran free of human labor save for an extremely small amount, and the human labor that did happen was paid residually. In time there has to come a point after all, when humans wind up our machine toy so much that we enable it to run on it's own. These have already been introduced in various places. Obviously, our robo-laborers can't jump in right away, so what's our intermediate solution? The answer is first of all education, people have to be educated and shown ways to dream up avenues wherein they build wealth generating mechanisms, things that generate wealth for them, even while they aren't present. Like a vending machine for example, makes money for you while you're not present. Secondly, I would propose something like week on, week off employment, or something to this effect, wherein employees would have around half of their time free of the company. In my opinion, this would eliminate the drudgery of work massively, because people would have large swaths of time where they are free to live, as opposed to what we have now. Although as I said, this is a transition to truer freedom. Now understandably, there might eb an objection "that company couldn't compete if they were so good to their employees." I would say tell that to Google. Especially when one considers that they might be on the cusp of doing something good in the world and creating positive change, by simply being free? I maintain employees would be far more interested in doing well... especially considering that the amount or quality of their work one week will determine the amount they are paid the next when they're not working, they're more than likely to put in some extra effort. In the end, you're essentially leveraging whatever we would think of as "the human spirit" for the sake of it's own freedom over and against other corporations.

I'd also like to add, that when the stated employees become free themselves, essentially they will become wealthy, not only do you have the human spirit on your side, but a wealth generating mechanism wherein the employees themselves become wealthy off of it, and one that the best and the brightest and the most skilled workers will be vying for as much as they can due to the nature of it as opposed to other corporations. All you need to do is start a movement.
Sounds like Pitcairn Island. A society created by Fletcher Christian and the survivors of the Bounty.
It's hard for me to imagine this kind of thing getting any support from anyone who has ever had to work to support themselves or who has even a limited understanding of how society works.

Sometimes you have to wait for things to get there naturally, do heaps of paperwork, and force yourself to be bored every now and then for the greater good. I don't know if it's possible to build a utopia. but sometimes you just have to believe that we'll get there-- maybe not in our lifetimes, but eventually. But you can't just passive aggressively demand that other people build a utopia for you to live in.

Anyways, there are already plenty of good things that are free for absolutely everyone to enjoy… even if they're not so advertised.
There is no such thing as "naturally" in human societies, there is social engineering everywhere. I think the problem is people that have been over-conditioned into an employment mentality get completely deluded into thinking "jobs" are some kind of good thing. Dude who convinced you that it was a good idea to trade the best hours of the best days of your life for some piddly hand out from a corporation? Do you think working a job makes you self reliant? If so, what happens if a company decides they don't need you anymore? Real self-reliance, is not being provided work, so you can be provided a little money hand out. Self-reliance is being in control of your own financial destiny from an income you have created for yourself in a way that you've leveraged something that makes you enough money, that money no longer concerns you.

I'm not talking about a utopia here, I'm talking about an elimination of a kind of slavery. Monetary coercion is still coercion.

Anyway, implying that I made a "passive aggressive demand" seems to be a pretty uncharitable assumption about where I was going with this. I merely would like to think at the very least that if one sees the value in creating a better world, that they would try and do so. And for the record, I intend to be wealthy myself, and through my own efforts.
Sounds like Pitcairn Island. A society created by Fletcher Christian and the survivors of the Bounty.
I hadn't heard of that. Pretty interesting. Thank you. :D
There is no such thing as "naturally" in human societies, there is social engineering everywhere. I think the problem is people that have been over-conditioned into an employment mentality get completely deluded into thinking "jobs" are some kind of good thing. Dude who convinced you that it was a good idea to trade the best hours of the best days of your life for some piddly hand out from a corporation? Do you think working a job makes you self reliant? If so, what happens if a company decides they don't need you anymore? Real self-reliance, is not being provided work, so you can be provided a little money hand out. Self-reliance is being in control of your own financial destiny from an income you have created for yourself in a way that you've leveraged something that makes you enough money, that money no longer concerns you.

I'm not talking about a utopia here, I'm talking about an elimination of a kind of slavery. Monetary coercion is still coercion.

Anyway, implying that I made a "passive aggressive demand" seems to be a pretty uncharitable assumption about where I was going with this. I merely would like to think at the very least that if one sees the value in creating a better world, that they would try and do so. And for the record, I intend to be wealthy myself, and through my own efforts.

Self-reliance? So what do you DO, exactly? Are you a hunter-gatherer? A farmer? Do you live with a cult? It sounds like you've got it all figured out-- tell me, what's the answer?

I personally am NOT currently trading the best hours of the best days of my life for a 'piddly handout from a corporation', I'm doing something that enjoy-- if I didn't enjoy it or believe in it, then I'd probably be doing something else. There's stress, sure… and I wish I could get outside more, but ultimately it's a really good job. A lot of the time when I hear about people 'trading the best hours of the best days of their life', I just assume they're too young to have realized that you ALWAYS lose your youth and that you ALWAYS regret what you didn't do… but eventually you get old enough to realize that time just works that way and regrets are counterproductive.

I'm saving for the future, investing my money, and in the meantime going on epic vacations in the winter AND in the summer… oh yeah, and can't forget no work on the weekends or holidays. Am I a slave??? Should I be feeling oppressed??? Should I be demanding more out of life than that??? I don't know what I would even DO with more time off… it would be boring. If I lose my job, I will get another one… it's not easy but it's impossible if you hate the idea and refuse to do it.

I'm not even remotely close to being in the 1% here either… I'm actually lower middle class. You seem to be so convinced that you know so much about how everyone else is living and how hardship is everywhere-- it's simply not true. Most people in the west or elsewhere don't agree with what you're saying… and it's not always because they're brainwashed drones who don't know the truth like you do.

If you're talking about the third world, then yes, I agree that a lot has to happen there… but it's not like they were beacons of peace and hope and harmony before the corporations existed… and it's also true that some of the poorest countries in the world are also some of the happiest. If you're talking about ending the wars, then yes I can get behind that, because that really messes things up… but did you also know that we're in the middle of one of the longest periods of peace that the world has ever known… that wars are occurring less frequently and with fewer casualties, that the 'great powers' of the world NEVER fight anymore, minorities have more rights than ever before, and things like torture and capital punishment are actually on a serious decline???

If you focus only on all of the bad things that are happening in the world, then that is all that you're going to see.
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Self-reliance? So what do you DO, exactly? Are you a hunter-gatherer? A farmer? Do you live with a cult? It sounds like you've got it all figured out-- tell me, what's the answer?

I personally am NOT currently trading the best hours of the best days of my life for a 'piddly handout from a corporation', I'm doing something that enjoy-- if I didn't enjoy it or believe in it, then I'd probably be doing something else. There's stress, sure
Hooray I'm unemployed!

So technically I was supporting the cause before i even knew about it. I will precede to pat myself on the back now.
Let us imagine the impact this will have.

Everyone must quit. (Exceptions for nurses/caretakers, firemen/medics, water distribution system workers, etc...)

Stop supporting this corruption.

We can do it! Do not be afraid!

We can all quit together and we can wipe the slate clean.

Clear all debt and drop the Mason Money!


[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION], thank you for shedding some light on the issues.

I hope everyone is able to open their minds and hearts to the reality we collectively face.

It truly does come down to the choice we make between Fear and Love.

Our internal struggles are made visible with the problems we face in the external world.

Fear is what truly cripples and limits us.
We only limit ourselves when we give in to fear.
The battle is first fought within.

The choice comes back to every individual.

We must all account for our own action.

Myself- I absolutely hear you.

You have made me so happy! Bless you my friend
I think its even more straightfoward than quitting our jobs. We just need to stop buying into the corrupt and flawed system. I believe that it really comes down to the individual embracing his/her own consciousness. Becoming truly self aware. Learning to communicate. Walking that line between fear and love. Facing yourself, understanding, appreciating, accepting and living your role as the creator of your own reality.

I dont feel entirely comfortable sharing this on a public forum but you have inspired me so I will get over my fear and try to explain what this means to me.

I feel like I have lived my whole life between two worlds. The 'collective reality' that we have created as humans and then theres the 'reality' of our consciousness. I feel like I'm constantly tring to walk that line- buying into the collective reality so that I can adequately relate to people around me and yet being completely aware that everything around me is just an illusion that has been created and is reinforced through our collective beliefs.

Sometimes it is so frustrating and sad, because it seems so obvious that it is overwhelming to me. Yet so few people understand, that I sometimes just feel tired and sad. I have tried to battle with it my whole life, fighting against it so I can just fit in and be normal, and then fighting to understand it so I can understand why the hell I think this way. I dont want to alienate people so I try to frame things and live my life in a way that makes sense to them but sometimes it feels like Im pretending to be blind so that I can relate and live with the blind better. Im sorry if this sounds arrogant, that is absolutely not my intention.

The past 6 months have been the happiest of my life. I have finally decided to embrace my conciousness. It has been hard but I have experienced constant joys and peace that I cannot explain. I feel ecstatic. I feel that there is nothing that can be taken away from me now and I feel real and whole for the first time in my life.

We are all the creators of our own reality. There is nothing else but this.
Its like that we are all playing a game. Before we come into this game that we have all helped design, we understand the rules and have our own goals, individual and collective. We choose the parameters that we want, the setting, conditions, and other souls we wish to meet up with. We understand everything that has already happened to us in all the previous times we have played the game. We choose to play again for our further learning and experience. We press play and then we are born.

The Game of Life : Creating Your Own Reality

Imagine that you are about to participate in an interactive role-playing game. There are rules in this game that everyone agrees to: what goes up must come down, day is followed by night, if you touch a flame it will burn you, etc. etc. You get to choose the character you play beforehand; shall I be black or white, Australian or American, male or female? You might even choose to meet up with others in the game, which is tricky because you won
We are seeing a struggle between the left and right hemispheres of the brain when what we really need is a balance between the two

The left side of the brain is Set, the reptilian part of the brain and the right side is Horus the avian side of the brain

The elites know that to control society they need to push people into left brain thinking as this gets them locked into seeing things in terms of structures and seperateness instead of unity and connectedness. Its no coincidence that we are conditioned to use the term 'bird brained' as an insult!

The whole education system is geared towards left brained thinking.

I once did a wikipedia search for 'professional' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional) to kind of check my own interpretatiuon of the word with wikipedias and at the bottom of the page a book was mentioned called 'Disciplined Minds' by Dr.Schmidt, which i thought sounded interesting. I haven't read it but might check it out at some point.

The point Schmidt was making was that professionals are indoctrinated to see things through a certain filter. This rings true for me from my own observations and interactions with people at various educational establishments.

University degrees often leave someone feeling like they are more authoritative but there is a danger that this new knowledge they have gained is merely the conventional wisdom that the system wants to propogate (see for example the current economic paradigm of the chicago boys which is currently wreaking havoc on our economies!.....note how many people parrot stuff from economic textbooks that is essentially based on junk economics that has been proven to have failed....but because it i in a textbook sanctioned by the state they feel it must be right)

I've seen many people gain degrees and go into many different fields, but some of the most switched on people who i've learned the most from are people without degrees. Anyone not willing to listen to someone because they haven't got many letters after their name is simply shutting themself into a very narrow world view.....a view pushed on them by the system

David Ike calls this phenomenon the 'left brain prison':

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Jack, I don't really understand what you're getting at-- if you're saying that people should be richer, happier, healthier, and more responsible, then yeah, that would be nice… but I think that that goes without saying.

I'm not saying that society is perfect or shouldn't change… I just don't think that it needs to be radically changed. More like fine-tuned. I do think that some jobs should pay more… but paying two people twice as much to do one person's job sounds like a good way to go out of business. Every time they 'trade off' they'll have to waste time informing the other about what's going on, you'll have to spend twice as much on training, and every time they come back from their 'week off' they'll have to get used to the pattern again-- it's thoroughly impractical, expensive, will lead to inferior products, and overall society would suffer. You can try starting a business where you do that, but I doubt that it would last very long.

Not that this thread is about me, but I said I was lower middle class-- that means less than 50k/year. Do you honestly think that there is anything special about that? I'm much closer to the burger flippers than the CEOs. My point was that I'm actually NOT special in any way. How many people in America do you think make the same as I do? BTW I have excellent health care-- I'm Canadian.

And even if I didn't, the current problems weren't caused by people constantly losing their savings to health issues… they were caused by people taking on far too much debt, which is something that is actually still going on, thanks to the low interest rates. So the lesson is: don't build up ridiculous amounts of debt.

What do you do, anyways? It seems like you must be someone really important to be effecting all of this change and sacrificing so much and spearheading the project to improve humanity while other people go to be drones in their evil corporate factories.
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My bosses are a bunch of old people who like to hear me talk on sundays and pay me to do so out pocket, now they do smell a bit odd but I wouldn't call them corrupt.
Jack, I don't really understand what you're getting at-- if you're saying that people should be richer, happier, healthier, and more responsible, then yeah, that would be nice
Not that this thread is about me, but I said I was lower middle class-- that means less than 50k/year. Do you honestly think that there is anything special about that? I'm much closer to the burger flippers than the CEOs. My point was that I'm actually NOT special in any way. How many people in America do you think make the same as I do?
Less than 50k? probably a lot. That said, how many of those people would interpret their lives as being the life of a completely epic rockstar like you by working 40+ hours and coming home tired? How many of those people are actually coerced into overtime? How many actually dread going to work, or have family problems because they barely have time to spend with their spouse or their kids? (my point is you were unusual because you liked having no time, having a 40+ hour work week, etc. I never assumed you made good money) Whether or not you have any take on the TP or OWS movements, I hope you can understand that there's economic turmoil for a reason. Look I have no doubt you can "make it", and I have no doubt that everyone will "get through" or be able to afford *something, even if it isn't nice if they're able to scrimp and save. People can be happy with less, but in the end, no one looks back at the end of their life and says "damn, I wish I had spent more time in the factory." And that is the very crux of the matter. To some people, money is like air or water, they don't need to think about it because they have enough, and it comes to them without constantly having to put effort into it. They have the ability to spend their time pursing dreams, and goals, and ambitions, things they're passionate about and that they love, with people they love.

Let me ask you, which is more materialistic? To spend a little time building an income that creates wealth for you? or to sacrifice at the least 50% of your conscious life into chasing a paycheck, and working for that little handout that company gives you after you do the work that they provide for you?

Jack, I don't really understand what you're getting at-- if you're saying that people should be richer, happier, healthier, and more responsible, then yeah, that would be nice… but I think that that goes without saying.
Oh, well good then.

I'm not saying that society is perfect or shouldn't change… I just don't think that it needs to be radically changed.
I understand that sentiment. I would say though, that there should be a goal that we move towards that provides freedom to everyone, and I think we have some idea of what that looks like. Whether the change is incremental, or swift. That said, I personally favor swift. I don't know how much longer America, with it's massive top heavy government will last.

For reference here's some statistics on wealth.
If you're keen on making a lot of money in a short amount of time and then I guess investing it or getting some kind of savings plan or high-interest account of some sorts and living off of the interest, then there are plenty of fields where you can do that-- go into advertising or become a stockbroker or sell drugs or make porn or something. If you do it right you can wind up a millionaire before you're 35-- the trouble is that those people tend to burn out pretty early.

Most people still have to work for most of their lives... it's not perfect, but only because nothing ever is. And a lot of people also enjoy their jobs, and working in them doesn't always feel like they're wasting their lives. And I don't know why we have to keep coming back and talking about factories-- if you have an education then there's a lot of money to be made by working in a factory, if you can find a good one. Unless you're talking about some sort of third world sweat shop or some sort of godawful chemical plant in a country with zero standards, then they're not like horrible oppressive places where everyone is chained to their machines 24 hours a day. Seriously-- have you ever actually been to a factory?

And like I said, I DO have time... though I suspect I don't have as much time as you do with your 'job' (still not sure what you do, besides saving the world). If I had kids right now, it wouldn't be at all difficult to spend time with them.

And what exactly would you do with all of that time off anyways? Go on outrageous vacations? Drive around? Take up golfing? You won't be able to save any money that way. And what about school? Are your kids going to get a vacation too? What's the point of having a vacation if your kids are in school all day anyways? And if the kids got every other week off, then I guarantee it would interfere with their learning. So basically, you're going to be free to laze about with your underachieving kids-- what a magical society you've dreamed up.

I'll admit that there are some people who would probably do much better with an early apprenticeship as opposed to forcing them to take subjects and do things that they zero aptitude for... but you're acting like people don't like to work. Most people LOVE work. They don't like micromanaging or powertripping bosses or wasted time or office politics or forced overtime or being ripped off... but that isn't something that's exclusive to capitalism or whatever it is you're so upset with-- it has to do with a few individual people who are douchebags.

It's all that work that people do every day that makes society run... and it makes the time off that you do get that much sweeter. But most people in Canada (not sure about the US) don't even use up all of their vacation or sick days in a year because they're dedicated to doing their job... because again, people like being productive.

I don't know how you got it into your head that working 9 to 5 means that we're all currently trapped in some sort of Orwellian nightmare state and we don't even know it. You're acting like being a teacher or a policeman or small business owner or having a trade or working for the government-- all of the typical middle-class jobs-- is somehow resigning yourself to a life of degradation and exploitation and 'missing out' on life. Some people just like being productive... and if that's not enough, then you CAN have other investments/projects on the side as well... there's nothing stopping you. And if you think you're being short-changed, then demand more money. Save your money, live within your means, and then when you have enough, go out on your own.

I'd agree that salaries need to go up, but I wouldn't even say that that is the biggest problem-- the biggest problem is probably household debt, and a lot of that has to do with not budgeting and people living beyond their means. Nobody is just a helpless innocent victim here-- people should have been asking questions at the bank the second they found out that they were suddenly able to afford a mortgage, and they shouldn't have used their home equity as if it were an endless source of wealth. They should have asked themselves whether or not they could really afford the 750k house or if they should have opted for the 400k instead.
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