Weather headaches?


no chocolate flavored gum? wow
does anyone here, besides me:
get a migraine when the barometric pressure changes?
feel like a piano is sitting on their face and the world is tilted to the right whenever clouds are moving in?
predict a thunderstorm when the sky is clear and blue?

my head has been swimming and pounding for three days now with all the heavy clouds moving about in my area. i hate it! no one understands that it's not a normal headache that you can just take an advil and forget about. it is like a pianoheadache.
Lol I get the piano sitting on my face feeling too

Like I'm in a cloud and I'm trying to walk around with a heavy piano on my face

And then I become a piano

I've been feeling extra migrainey lately without knowing why but you described it well
Try taking a hot/warm bath with Epsom salt. If it doesn't help your headache, it is still good for your body.

Yes, I too get these headaches. They seem to be getting worse as I get older. :S
I get the headaches as well. If I can, I sleep them off. Otherwise, I put one hand in cold water and another in hot water to force the equalization of the temperatures, which would shift the pressure away from the migraine, lessening it. I also do pranic breathing, alternating between nostrils.
I get the headaches as well. If I can, I sleep them off. Otherwise, I put one hand in cold water and another in hot water to force the equalization of the temperatures, which would shift the pressure away from the migraine, lessening it. I also do pranic breathing, alternating between nostrils.

i'm going to try the hot water cold water thing next time!
Try taking a hot/warm bath with Epsom salt. If it doesn't help your headache, it is still good for your body.

Yes, I too get these headaches. They seem to be getting worse as I get older. :S

i took a bath today to try to clear the pressure, and it did help until about five minutes after i got out of the tub.
blaine massaged my scalp for about half an hour and that seemed to help a bit, but now he's gone and the heavy pressure is back.
i guess i'll just have to wait until these crappyass clouds move out of here.
I used to get this when my sinuses were in bad shape. I'd get chronic sinus infections that would last half a year.

At one point there was so much pressure in my head, that I stepped off my front porch and the change in blood pressure was just enough to cause my nose to just start flowing out with blood... not even drips but like a stream of it.

It doesn't do that anymore. I don't know why.
Piano headaches. :)

Yes, with me I think it's a combination of diet+allergies+vitamin D deficiency.
we had clear blue sky today and my head finally felt normal for the first time in days. then the clouds moved back in tonight and again i'm a bag of crap.
exam tomorrow too.