weight loss/Thinning hair

I think the hair loss is due to lack of nutrients. So it would be best to do cardio in combination of eating less instead of just eating less. I assume taking vitamin supplements would help.

Also, in agreement with peppermint, iron is what you're going to need the most of hair loss.
Uuuhhhmmm. If you're losing weight, your hair is falling out and your skin looks yellow you should get checked out. Not trying to give medical advice but it sounds strange. One thing, ok...two things coinkidink maybe...but those three kinda scare me. Sounds like your body is def trying to tell you something.....listen to it. :)

"Not trying to give medical advice"
Actually that's exactly what you're doing. You're no different than most people on WebMD who have absolutely no helpful information at all.
She said she knows shen to see a doctor, so it seems your post was a waste of everyone's time.
Keep your fingers off the keyboard if you know nothing about the subject.
Well, another one of my symptoms has been unintentional weight loss, so I'm sticking with eating as much as I can for now. I'm afraid if I stop eating I'll drop another dress size. I''ll probably need to go to the doctors in the next few w eeks, but they do cost a lot! I'm also really sick of going to the doctor nad begging for them to tell me whats wrong with me, and then having them tell me nothing like I'm some sort of hypochondriac.

Hmmm I might trust you if it weren't for the fact you did that to me for months last time and then were shocked when I nearly died....duuuuuh.
"Not trying to give medical advice"
Actually that's exactly what you're doing. You're no different than most people on WebMD who have absolutely no helpful information at all.
She said she knows shen to see a doctor, so it seems your post was a waste of everyone's time.
Keep your fingers off the keyboard if you know nothing about the subject.

nice troll; and you seem to know so much better....:suspicious:
if this person is 23, is turning yellow; losing weight and hair...well that's just not normal; and something is going on that needs to be investigated.
you seem to know so much better
First of all, I didn't claim to know better. I just offered helpful information where you did not.

Secondly, the point of me proposing the possibility that you know nothing of the subject was not to boast that I did, but rather for you to think of how pointless your response was. It's not my job to manage your emotions, so please discontinue baiting for reassurance. I don't care how knowledgable you are/aren't outside the context of the issue raised by the OP. Especially when you haven't expressed such knowledge in a post to place it in context.

Thirdly, irrelevant.

if this person is 23, is turning yellow; losing weight and hair...well that's just not normal; and something is going on that needs to be investigated.

If you actually read her post, you'd know that she will. If you've read any replies of any medical related concerns on the internet, you'd know that there are plenty of "go see a doctor" responses. Whether your advice is good, your redundant role amongst the fleet of Captain Obviouses is not needed.

If you need any guidance on determining if your response is helpful, ask yourself:
Will she thank me for this?
Will she actually go to the doctor because of me, or because she had common sense?
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she did thank me...so there! :m039:

lol I can see this is going no-where; but thanks for the constructive criticism.
I have had similar problems. Is your hair dry and brittle? That is indicative of a thyroid problem, along with sudden weight fluctuation and really cold, almost tingling numb fingers and toes. Because of my thyroid problem I am taking iodine supplements in conjunction with selenium, and zinc. According to my doctor iodine deficiency is highly prevalent and is the cause of most thyroid problems, but you should have it tested first because it's possible to die of iodine poisoning. One quick way to tell is if you have liquid iodine, just spray some on your skin. If you're deficient, it will fade within 24 hours. The same with zinc - put a drop of liquid zinc on your tongue, and if it's flavourless, you are similarly deficient. If you're not, it will taste absolutely disgusting.

If it's your thyroid, it's also possible that standard thyroid blood-work will not pick up any irregularities. I forget the details, but there is now a more advanced level of testing which should be done if you are experiencing symptoms.

Because of chronic anaemia, I also take a liquid iron supplement. It's expensive as hell, though. It's also important to take iron in conjunction with lysine, because a lack of lysine can inhibit iron absorption. Do you get cold-sores? That's often caused by lysine deficiency. And last but not least... A sudden drop in progesterone levels can cause hair to shed. If you take notice of the days on which your hair is shedding worse, and it coincides with the time of the month, it's probably a hormonal imbalance.

Anyway, good luck. I know, it is extremely distressing.
I think all your symptoms are consistant with a thyroid condition. You should specifically ask your doctor about considering this no matter what the blood tests say. Hair loss and/or brittle fingernails are common symptoms of your body telling you that something is wrong with your nutrients--and you know that this is an issue. Coupled with your emotional upheaval/stress, it doesn't look good for your hair. Vitamins are best absored by the natural sources than pills. I would consider doing what @Kgal is doing, learning to juice your veggies and fruits into healthy drinks. You need to be careful about the amount of iron you take too--you can poison yourself if you take too much.
Hmmmm. I'm wondering... Do you have night sweats, or pain (shoulders, back, or abdomen), any gastric reflux? When was your child born? Any food intolerances?
[MENTION=5715]Lemonworld[/MENTION] yes, I have curly hair and especially the last number of months it has been very very dry. I know such tests for thyroid problems exist, unfortunately they either don't do them herei n Ireland or dotors dont bother to send you. They all seem to do the bare minimum really. Our health care is really third world sometimes!
[MENTION=5530]Zebraf301[/MENTION] I don't have night sweats, but I do have a lot of random aches and pains and always have. I don't have reflux, but I've had a lot of intenstinal problems, and also problems with my teeth....no matter how well I take care of them, I still get cavaties. I am intolerant to lactose and wheat...possibly coeliac, but again, the initial blood tests came back negative. My little girl was born March 2010.

Thanks for all the feedback guys, it's good to know I'm not the only one strugging with doctors. I'm doing al o of my own research before i go see the doctor again, so this is really helpful, thanks :)
I've dropped a few pounds very quickly, and am having to work hard at not losing more weight...I'm gettin used to it, what I can't get used to is the hair loss! The last week or so, tons of my hair has been falling out! I feel like my hair has got quite thin over night and I'm really not arsed going to the doctors cause they always tell me there's ntohing wrong with me.

What can I do for hair loss? I don't want to be bald!

DISCLAIMER: Not asking for medical advice, I know when I need to go to the doctor. Thanks!

It could be excess stress. However, if you decide that you want to go to the doctor some day - ask for a blood test to thoroughly examine liver function. I've known a number of people who have had similar problems as you describe - and the problems seemed to be connected to liver disease/malfunction.
No night sweats. Phew. I'd hazard to guess your issue is metabolic, or homonal. I'm thinking celiac, although I don't have enough info to say for sure. I'd have a much better idea if I could watch you in person, and see your complexion, and tongue, you're manurisms, ask other very personal questions, :) .Women can get post partum thyroid issues. Thyroid is a reasonable guess, but, until you can be diagnosed properly, you may have great, if not entire relief with a celiac diet (it takes months to heal) and time release vitamin B 100 comlex pills, and some omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids. You could very well have iron pernicious anemia, so pills may not cut it...