Funny as in weird?you're funny
my only successful thread
You have a lot of good threads tbh, I don't think success is only to be measured by how many answers you get.
I agree, it's the likes you get for your posts
Pfff, how superficial Ginny!
It's not the likes either, it's the amount of followers you have
Ich mache Witze! (is that correct?)
Geht so. Ich auch, hat man das am Emoji nich gesehen?
English please! I never had French.Mais il n'y avait pas d'Emoji dans ton dernier message...
Still mybestweirdest thread to date
My question is, what could be wrong with me?
Sorry, impaling doesn't turn me on
It's just hard to figure yourself out and get to a place of comfortable acceptance. People do it their whole life.
Sorry, impaling doesn't turn me on
I've been told by another INFJ that I was too complicated. I don't know if that's counted as weird.
INFJ 5w4 are very complicated.