Weird things people say to you about you?

A woman who claims to be psychic told me that I attract a lot of haters wherever I go because I have a strong spiritual aura of goodness that is a threat to certain people. I've been told that before by others too. A few months later she told me she had a vision where God told her that I'm an angel that asked to be into flesh and this is only my first or second time on the earth as a human being lol. In France a crazy lady on the street told me the same thing. People are weird.
"Why can't you be normal like other people?"
A friend once said jokingly, to which I replied,
"Normal people are boring, I'll take weird any day!"
I get lot of "you are weird" from my good friends (ESTJ:)...but it is not strange anymore because I am used to that.
"So are so skinny!" - You wouldn't believe how many random people have approached me to tell me that, as if I don't already know.

"You sing from your toes." - Apparently I am so small that there is no way my voice should come out of me, the only possible way is for it to come from my feet.

"When do you start [enter primary school grade here]?" - I am really tired of being asked when I start high school or middle school. I am 22 for God's sake! I have even had cops double a triple check my ID because they are sure it's fake.

"You're not a girl. You're a dude...with tits." - I apparently think more like a guy than a girl. *Shrugs* I don't take it as an insult.

Then, of course, I have been called cold, intimidating, scary, and dominant.

Oh, then there's my favorite. This has come up a lot lately. "You're not girlfriend material. I bet you're a great lay, though." I am honestly not sure why this is.
"You sound like a radio host/announcer." - I get this one a lot.

"You've got a pineapple ring right in the middle of your eyeballs." - This one was once in a lifetime.
Their actions betray their true perception of themselves. If they were actually confident, they would not feel diminished by rejection or experience a sense of loss - they would simply remain grounded in themselves. Since they are not confident, they feel an anxiety when their hidden perception of self ("I am not good enough") is exposed by Sonyab's rejection. And the way they attempt to dampen the anxiety of rejection is through downgrading her; by stripping her of a perceived higher status, her rejection is rendered meaningless.

True. +1
"Your hair is absorbing".
Even if it really is. Throwing stuff in my hair is apparently the best sport ever made.

I also got someone saying I was too cold, calm, serious and agressive and someone else telling me that I was too jolly happy LOL-I-JUST-DRANK-4224-REDBULLZ-HAHA in the same day. ._.
The most common thing people say about me is that I have an "intelligent aura" even if I'm just staring into space. When I was speaking to someone from school on Friday I asked how they perceived me (I ask this to everyone), and they said something like "You don't say much but you always seem like you've got ideas in your head, and when you do finally say something it makes so much sense." Which I found flattering I guess, haha.
" You have a nice nose "
" You're a circle" - an acquaintance of mine told me I'm a circle due to fact I can't talk without making usage of my hands.
Another one I get is that I'm "an angel."

I am not sure why. I have had this said to me by countless and random people over the past several years. I don't think I like it very much.
That I am short.
I don't know what they're talking about..
This is my friend, he is so funny.

Both the first and last parts of that are weird.
It's just a play on the fact people used to call me smarshmallow because of my full name. And when I do something characteristic of me, my friends say that i'm " smarshing". It's a geeky ( slightly stupid) inside joke between my friends. And I can't even speak a single word without my hands, I think it helps me communicate and articulate what my mind is really saying.
I just don't think of myself as very seductive.

You must be physically attractive and all the hillbillies you live by wanna bang you then.
When I was in HS they used to say that I was much nicer than they expected perhaps because I was attractive yet approachable. At least this is how my girlfriends put it once they got to know me.

In recent history I've heard that I'm intimidating.

A woman in my MOPs group told me I should lead a Bible study. I did take that as a compliment. dad's childhood pet name for me was Elsa the Apathetic One
Someone once called me a nice person, so I killed him. I thought it was weird?
Oh, then there's my favorite. This has come up a lot lately. "You're not girlfriend material. I bet you're a great lay, though." I am honestly not sure why this is.[/QUOTE]

hmm i've not been told that in those words but i have been told, before even really dating someone, "I don't love you. I would never love you. You can hang out and tag along if you want, but this isn't going anywhere. My ex-girlfriend was a real psycho. But you're not my girlfriend, I don't want that title."

i've been started off this way twice, n both times it's really me who's detached. so i just hang out for my own reasons, right, then out of nowhere these dudes (both at very different moments in my life) eventually can't get enough of me. of course, being so sensitive, i never get over it and my insides never were able to fully commit to either